
Java/JVM (HotSpot): Is there a way to save JIT performance gains at compile time?

When I measure the throughput of my Java application, I see a 50% performance increase over time: For the first 100K messages, I get ~3,000 messages per second For the second 100K messages, I get ~4,500 messages per second. I believe the performance improves as JIT optimizes the execution path. The reason given for not saving the JI...

Static parameters not retained across Activities

I am developing an Android app and I am using a library I wrote. This library has a class that contains some static fields. One of them is a API key. This key is used by other classes in my library to make calls on a remote service. I initialize the API key on my main Activity once when it is created and the savedInstanceState is null. ...

Eclipse 32 bits running on 64 bits JVM

Hi there, After many investigations I can't find a clear answer to the following question: Can Eclipse 32 bits version runs on a 64 bits JVM (of course on a 64 bits windows) ? I guess the answer should be "NO" but I never worked with 64 bits systems and will be interested to "learn more" of how it work. Thanks in advance, Manu ...

What exactly is meant by Platform? How many versions of CLR & JVM are available?

Does platform mean the OS or the CLR,JVM & like that?? I heard that CLR & JVM differs from OS to OS.. So what different versions of JVM & also of CLR is availabe right now in market? (I think CLR is having only 1 version that is for windows only) pls clarify my this confusion as much as possible... ...

Jvm settings on the server side

Hello! About to choose hosting service for a website written in GWT with Java on the server side. Does anyone have some good guidelines for JVM mem settings. Some hosting services are limiting JVM memory. I was told one JVM per CPU core but what about mem settings? Best regards, Niclas Lindberg ...

What if a finalizer makes an object reachable?

In Java, finalize is called on an object (that overrides it) when it's about to be garbage collectioned, so when it's unreachable. But what if the finalizer makes the object reachable again, what happens then? ...

java.security.AccessControlException trying to consume web services on Google App Engine

I'm trying to connect my Google App Engine webapp to the Google Latitude API using OAuth. I have it working in my dev environment, but when I try to test the app using Google's dev_appserver.sh, I get the following error: java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.net.SocketPermission www.googleapis.com resolve) Is this...

Rogue instance of older version of my Java app running in background?

Hi, I'm new to Java (come from C++/.NET background) and am experiencing very strange error. I am developing w/ Eclipse IDE on Windows XP on my local desktop. It seems that for some reason, an older (and of course buggier) instance of my application stays running for some very odd reason which I cannot understand. Even when I close ecli...

JVM abnormal exit - cleanup of system resources

Hi all I have a java program which has a server-socket listening infinitely. In case of JVM exiting abnormally through kill pid, what happens to system resources in this case, socket object ? Will the sockets be released or it will be locked up? What is the best way to handle the cleanup of system resources like file descriptors/networ...

Clojure http requests using java.net.URLConnection?

Are there any Clojure http libraries that use the java.net.URLConnection class? Reason I'm asking is because that's the only accepted way to make http connections on Google App Engine, according to the docs. I'm currently using com.twinql.clojure.http for my GET requests, but I don't think that uses the right interface because I'm getti...

JVM fonts and JasperReports

I'm trying to generate report with DynamicJasper, but I'm getting the following error net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRFontNotFoundException: Font 'Arial' is not available to the JVM. msttcorefonts is installed, but I guess JVM is not using any fonts from it. I'm using ubuntu 10.04 any ideas??...

How does types erasure help Clojure exist?

How does JVM type erasure help Clojure? Can Clojure exist without it? What would happen if the JVM had reified types? That is, how would Clojure change? ...

Java has a 39G core dump...

I'm running a weblogic server on solarix x86 - 64bit with the command line: -Xrs -Xms4096m -Xmx4096m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -da ... so the max heap size should be 4G, however after a night, it crashed and generated a 39G core: -bash-3.00$ ls -l core -rw------- 1 user group 39017429722 Sep 27 19:47 core I used pmap to dump the c...

http request from Google App Engine

I'm trying to make http requests from my Google App Engine webapp, and discovered I have to use URLConnection since it's the only whitelisted class. The corresponding Clojure library is clojure.contrib.http.agent, and my code is as follows: (defroutes example (GET "/" [] (http/string (http/http-agent "http://www.example.com"))) (rou...

How can I examine the JVM bytecode for a clojure function?

In trying to optimize C and LISP, looking at the assembler code output by the compiler can be a great help. Clojure presumably compiles to a JVM bytecode that would be equally helpful. How do I see it? ...

is there a way to install java virtual machine on iPhone (jalbroken)

has any one tested java virtual machine on iPhone? will jamVM work on iPhone correctely? any ideas I know python runtime works on jailbroken iphones but I am not sure about the jvm ...

how to catch OutOfMemoryError in JVM and run a script if it's caught?

Hi, I have a program that sometimes throw OOME, I understand that there is a flag in the JVM options that I can set and whenever a certain Error/Exception appears (such as OOME) it calls a script I wrote. The script will give the user a notification and will call a the program with a different argument so it won't get OOME again. does ...

Is there any implementation of JVM that supports CUDA?

Is there any implementation of JVM that supports CUDA? Provide links please =) ...

What happens if a Jar is updated while it is still being used by a JVM?

I know that, under typical conditions, a class is only loaded once. I also know that classes are immutable. Thus, once the class is loaded, it cannot be changed unless it is reloaded (which typically doesn't happen). Does the same thing hold true for Jars? What happens if a Jar is updated while a JVM is still running that had previously...

Java GC: PSYoungGen grows by 4 GB after Full GC

I'm running an application server which uses quite a bit of memory (there are quite a few users). It's running on an 18 GB EC2 instance. I pass these GC parameters to the VM: -server -XX:GCTimeRatio=19 -Xmx12g -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps The server works fine for awhile (as well as you'd expecte without concurrent GC) ...