
c# Interrupt an executing Key event from a TextBox at the next key event

Hi All, I am using the input from a TextBox to filter information displayed in a ListBox. I want the filtering to occur each time a key is pressed. The problem I am faced with is that if the user types a second, third etc. character, the filter will carry on through for each of the key presses. E.g. The user types 'a' and the filtering...

Find Registry Key for: Override automatic cookie handling

I want to set the IE7 privacy settings via the registry and I am not having any luck finding what keys need to be set. I am trying to do the following: Override automatic cookie handling; Allow first party cookies; Block third party cookies; Always Allow session cookies; Anyone know what keys are to be set and what the settings would ...

What is the standard way to create a "key" from a value?

Hi, I need to take a user's email address and somehow manipulate the value to come up with an auto-generated password. I want to make sure that I can re-create the same password whenever a user needs to retrieve their password. Is there a standard way of doing this? Is this what a "hash" is? I would be greatly appreciative if someone c...

Detect left mouse button press

I hate this mess with the mouse buttons created by W3C an MS! I want to know if the left mouse button is pressed when I get a mousedown event. I use this code // Return true if evt carries left mouse button press function detectLeftButton(evt) { // W3C if (window.event == null) { return (evt.button == 0) } // IE else { ...

C# : Using hashtables to store two of the same value. Is it possible?

Hi. I'm fairly new to programming C#, and I have written a program that uses hashtables to store data (in my case, the users name, and if they are "Ready" or "Not Ready". I have 2 tables in total. The first table has the key as the username and the IP address of the client in the value box. the second table has the Ready/Not Ready status...

Drupal services with Key auth

When posting a node from my site to my site, it keeps giving me the error : "1 1 Invalid API key.." I checked the key I set up on the host site and I gave the key a method access of "". I built a simple module I got from this site(

XSLT copying without xsl:copy-of

I've got some *.xml with elements like : <app-method name="leave-accrual-status-details" kind="enquiry"> <title>...</title> <required-roles> <role name="authenticated"/> </required-roles> <asd> <param name="..." datatype="dt:int" control="hidden" call-kind="..." data-kind="..."/> </asd> <data-engine s...

How to get a gtkDialog's default response to trigger of the space bar as well.

I have a messageDialog set up so that its default response is gtk.RESPONSE_OK so the okay button is clicked when the user hits enter even if the okay button does not have focus. I would like to also have the space bar trigget the default_response. What is the best way to do this? This is with python 2.4 in a linux environment. Unfortuna...

Android: Signing my application with system key

I hear that to access permission like: - READ_FRAME_BUFFER The app needs to be signed with system key. If I understand correctly, that means the manufacturer sign the .apk file. Question: - Is it required that the manufacturer signed .apk to be shipped with a system image? or can it still be downloaded in the market place? - In real ...

Perl: hash-keys have lost their class information

Hi there, I have a package with a method data_x(); I use instances of class X as keys of a hash %seen, say. Now the elements of keys %seen seem to have forgotten their blessing: use X; my( $x, $y, %seen ); $x = X->new(); $x->data_x( 1 ); print " x: ", $x, "\n"; print " ", $x->data_x(), "\n"; $seen{ $x } = 1; $y =...

c# Numeric Text box

Hi All, I want to create separate textbox for numbers and string using c# code. I should not use jquery or javascript. Can anyone pls help me. Condition: Numeric Textbox: It should not allow characters, special characters. String Textbox: Should not allow numbers, Special characters. ...

Cyanogen /dev/uinput key injection

I'm working on a Synergy port to the Android (see The only way I've found to inject keystrokes is to use the Cyanogen Mod and write keystrokes to /dev/uinput. However, my app does not have permissions to write to /dev/uinput. The only way around this that I've found is to chmod 777 /dev/uinput. However... it seems ...

Detect arrow key input in qt

How would I detect the pressing of one of the arrow keys in qt? Also, would the application still detect them if it is minimized? ...