
Is there a Visual Studio shortcut for replacing the beginning and ending tag name in XAML/XML/HTML at once?

I want something similar to this post but with Visual Studio. This would be very helpful when editing XAML, XML, or HTML. For instance: <StackPanel> <Button>I'm A Button</Button> </StackPanel> If I start changing the 'StackPanel' tag, I want to automatically change the end tag to match (say if I switch it to a 'Grid' instead). ...

Get Latest Version shortcut in Visual Studio 2008

Would love to have a keyboard shortcut that get's the latest for a solution I am working on inside Visual Studio 2008 from source control. Can't find one in the documents anywhere! In addition would be good if I could get other source control shortcuts for checking in pending changes. ...

Handling print-screen globally in Windows by a .Net application

How can I make my C# application the default "Print Screen" handler in Windows? I wrote a screen capturing utility and I want to, ideally, have it replace the default print-screen handler, or otherwise have a unique key combination that would trigger it. I know how to do it in C++ using global hooks, etc., but it's not clear to me how ...

In Visual Studio 2005/2008, why doesn't the ">open xxxxx.cs" shortcut work with forms?

In Visual Studio, there is a handy IDE shortcut for directly jumping to a file, i.e. CTRL-/ (to select the Find combo-box) Then type in ">open myclass.cs" This is much quicker than navigating through the Solution explorer to open the specified class. However, if you try and open the code part of a form (not the designer part) in this ...

Capture and 'Escape' Kepress in WebKit Browsers

I have a dialogue box which appears, and I would like it to be hidden again when you hit the escape key. That all works fine in IE, Fx, Opera - the code registers a document.onkeypress event handler when the box is shown, then tests the event keyCode to see if it's the escape key or not (keyCode 27), but this doesn't seen to work in Web...

ALT+ shortcuts make a "beep" sound

I am struggling with an air flex application. Whenever I click ALT+something, vista makes a sound. I suspect that it is connected with non-existing menu bar. Any ideas how to disable my app responding to shortcuts where alt is involved? Here's the code: stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKeyUp); ... public function o...

How do I fix this Visual Studio keyboard mapping problem?

Something (who knows, possibly even me, though certainly not intentionally) has changed the keyboard mapping in Visual Studio 2008, and I cannot figure out how to get it back to the default. The symptom that I see as the problem is that when I type the name of a class which is not in a namespace listed in the using statements at the top...

Is it practical to program with your feet?

Has anyone tried using foot pedals in addition to the traditional keyboard and mouse combo to improve your effectiveness in the editor? Any actual experiences out there? Does it work, or is it just for carpal tunnel relief? I found one blog entry from a programmer who actually tried it: So now I can type using my feet for most of th...

Vim movement on other programs

I'm learning Vim and with it came the urge to use 'hjkl' and friends on every other program, including mouse operated programs like browsers. How can I use these keyboard shortcuts, or something similar? I'm using Linux. ...

shortcuts for SQL 2005 Query

what are the different short cuts for performing usual tasks in SQL 2005. eg, ctrl+T to show the result in text format, ctrl+d in data format. ...

Keyboard Shortcut to 'Tab Out' of a Grid with Infinite Rows?

I've run into a problem that I'm certain others have hit and solved. In several places in my application I have 'Grids'. More specifically Infragistic's UltraWinGrid's - but the idea is that, inside of a grid press 'TAB' moves you to the next cell in the grid. When you are in the last cell of a row, pressing tab will move you to the n...

TextMate: How do I find the command associated with a keyboard shortcut?

I'm pretty sure I remember there being a command in TextMate to tell me which bundle and/or menu item is associated with a particular keyboard shortcut? Where do I find it? ...

In which file was the keybinding defined?

Considering a keystroke in Emacs, e.g. C-x C-s. I can figure out which function it invokes by typing C-h c keystroke, but how can I find where this keybinding was defined? (Maybe the right answer is that it cannot be decided, because the keymaps don't store this kind of information.) ...

Cocoa control for setting shorcuts

I want to build a preferences window for my Cocoa application. Is there a tutorial or example of how a control that sets shortcuts works? ...

How to make a Custom Keyboard layout ?

What's the best way to make a keyboard layout for Windows? Specifically a layout that will appear in the 'Text Services and Input Languages' list and without buying expensive software. I know about the Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator but find it completely limited as you can't do simple things like remap the CapsLock key or the numbe...

How to detect when a hotkey (shortcut key) is pressed

How do I detect when a shortcut key such as Ctrl+O is pressed in a WPF (independently of any particular control)? I tried capturing KeyDown but the KeyEventArgs doesn't tell me whether or not Control or Alt is down. ...

delete word after or around cursor in VIM

I'm now switching to VIM from TextMate. I found ^+W in insert mode very useful. However, I'd like to delete not only the word before cursor, but the word after or around cursor as well. I did some googling, but the only thing i can found was that ^+W to delete word BEFORE cursor... ...

To make a keyboard shortcut for Info in Zsh?

Zsh has the following keyboard shortcut for Man Esc-h I would like to have a similar keyboard shortcut for info such as Esc-i How can you make such a keyboard shortcut for Info? ...

How to reassign Windows shortcuts in C#?

How can I reassign default keyboard shortcuts (such as Win+E to open an Explorer window) in C#? ...

Collapse all Visual Studio toolbox regions shortcut

Is there a keyboard shortcut or macro to collapse all regions in Visual Studio's toolbox? (Failing either of those, I'll take an addin that allows this!) ...