
ProgressDialog is not leaving from screen when i call it from onKeyListener

When i call the, "Working..", "Searching!", true,false); from onKeyListener progressDialog.dismiss() is not working properly and i can't stop `progressDialog without force closing.However when i use entire same code with a button and onClickListener it works like charm.Is this some kind of bug or a...

Android: Problem with overriding onKeyListener for a Button

Hi, I want a certain functionality when Enter key is pressed on a Button. When I override onKey(), I write the code to be executed for KEY_ENTER. This works fine. setupButton.setOnKeyListener(new OnKeyListener() { public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER == keyC...

I can't get KeyEvent listener to work

Ok, first off. If I do System.out.println(e); that does print when I push the key. However I can not for the life of me figure out how to store this into an int. My IDE gives me no errors if I do int pressed = e.KEY_PRESSED(); or int pressed = e.getKeyCode(); but if I try to print pressed nothing happens. I've been trying to get this t...

Java KeyListener not firing on JSpinner

Hi, have tried a few different approaches to this but with no success so far. Just wondered if I'm missing anything. I have a JSpinner which is a component of a DateSelector widget alongside a Calendar. I am trying to fire a validation method if the user changes any text in the JSpinner instead of using the Calendar control or the JSpinn...

Handle key presses using swt.

Hi! I'm want do someStuff() when CTRL-C pressed. I had wrote some code, but it "not enough good". What can I do with it?) //org.eclipse.draw2d.Shape getShape(){....} getShape().addKeyListener(new KeyListener(){ @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ke) { } @Override public void keyR...