I'm using a CMS to allow users to add keywords to their profiles, but I'm wanting to limit that to 10 keywords, which are comma delimited, by counting the number of commas (in this case, 9).
Any ideas on how to go about doing this with jQuery? I'll be doing a double-check on the server-side, but I'd like a quick little, live error check...
Is it possible to swap two variables without using ref/out keyword in C#(i.e. by using unsafe)?
for ex,
swap(ref x,ref y);//It is possbile to by passing the reference
But, Is there any other way of doing the same thing. In the swap function you can use a temp variable. But, How to swap the variables without using ref/out keyw...
Some SPECIAL words such as Object, Array, Function, Method, Number etc are not belong to keywords in Javascrpt:
Reserved Keywords in Javascript.
But I have to use them carfully, they are not NORMAL words as object, array, method, number, foo ...
I'd like to know how many such SPECIAL words we have? Pls give me the list.
Still have the JQuery keyword xml section for Notepad++? I'm a newer user and it would really help! Thanks!
Possible Duplicate:
Difference between ref and out parameters in .NET
hi everyone!Can any one tell me the basic difference the ref and out keywords?
Given a body of HTML, is there any function out there someone has written that will automatically extract say the top 10 keywords that appear from a chunk of HTML, excluding any HTML tags (IE just plain text)?
It should ignore common words like "and", "is" "but" etc but list the most frequent uncommon words.
Example input:
Mary had a ...
Need to build a little java tool that gets the keyword suggestions and traffic estimates from the google keywords tool at https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal .
The page is rendered in javascript so simple scraping isn't possible. I have tried htmlunit, but it doesn't work (tried diff browserversions .. still no lu...
I am doing an experimental project.
What i am trying to achieve is, i want to find that what are the keywords in that text.
How i am trying to do this is i make a list of how many times a word appear in the text sorted by most used words at top.
But problem is some common words like is,was,were are always at top. Apparently these are ...
I'm writing a Javascript syntax highlighter and I am not 100% I have everything.
So far I have:
Comments (// and /* */)
Number Highlighting
Quotes (" and ')
I also have keyword highlighting:
Am I missing any constructs or keywords that would be essential to highl...
Possible Duplicates:
Use of var keyword in C#
Use of var type in variable declaration
Hello everybody,
"Var keywork it require explicitly type casting Avoid boxing and unboxing value types where possible."
Is it advisable to use var keyword instead of explicit datatype?
I have a table of items linked to a table of keywords.
I want to list all items that share keywords and I want to rank the results so that items that are most similar appear highest.
So, I figure items that match all keywords will come highest with items that match only one keyword appearing lower in the list.
Where items match the sa...
Hello guys,
I was looking for a concrete answer on whether i should optimize my pages for singular or plural version of target keyword. Let me give an example:
I have a computers website and from homepage i have links for my primary categories / keywords:
Now with google adwords tool...
I make an app which is a clone of a well-known game. I had the name of that game as a keyword in the first two versions of my app. Many competing apps also use the keyword.
I just updated my app. Apple said I couldn't have that keyword and took it out.
Meanwhile, a search on the name of the game brings up over 40 apps, most of them ...
For some reason, the developers at a new company I'm working for decided to name their columns "ignore" and "exists". Now when I run MySQL queries with those words in the where clause, I get a syntax error; however, I can't seem to figure out how to reference those columns without running into an error. I tried setting them as strings, b...
Hi, I would like to know if I can make a php script that will allow me to echo keywords into a meta tag.To be more precise will the keywords echoed by the php script be indexed by search engines? I don't need the actual script I just need to know if this will be any good for indexing.
What is the difference between this keyword and super keyword? Both are used to access constructors of class right? Can any of you explain?
I need to calculate how many times each keyword is reoccurring in a string, with sorting by highest number.
What's the fastest algorithm available in .NET code for this purpose?