
Do design patterns increase or decrease the complexity of an Application?

I was just looking at this question about SQL, and followed a link about DAO to wikipedia. And it mentions as a disadvantage: "As with many design patterns, a design pattern increases the complexity of the application." -Wikipedia Which suddenly made me wonder where this idea came from (because it lacks a citation). Personally I a...

How do you come up with your app's minimum hardware specs?

We develop an enterprise application for which we need to document the minimum hardware requirements for the following target deployments: Thick-client Database/application server (where we run several server side processes that need access to the database and a file server, which is often the same machine) Web server Some of the ide...

QA Process - Best Ideas

What are the best processes with for Quality Assurance (aside from testing)? Do you use code reviews, code profilers? Do you use a QA Standards document, or just eyeball code? Also how do you provide feedback to the developers? What do YOU do for QA? ...

Is a good practice to use regular expression for input validation?

Currently I have some theoretically background in regular expression, but I have almost never used them. I am trying to develop some classes for general input validation, and I have being writing methods without any use of regular expressions. I recently read this Jeff's article, and now I am wondering if I should refactor some of the ...

Is File >> Export always redundant when you have File >> Save As...?

Is it better to keep both? Chose one? What criteria would you use to select one over the other? If you had a button you had to name, rather than the menu to store this, would "Export is shorter than Save As" be sufficient criteria to select one over the other? Edit: Would already having a File >> Save or a Save button influence your ...

How can you imitate pushing data to a web application?

Obviously, you can't push data to a web application, as HTTP works in a request-response cycle. But what hacks/methods do you know of that can imitate pushing data to a client? ...

Representing application navigation

I have a complex application with many pages. Each page can have many possible routes to other pages: 'A' can go to 'B' or 'C', 'B' can go to 'A' but not 'C'. etc. Rather than embed this "where to go to next" logic in each page (horror!) I of course want to encapsulate it in a main point of control. 'A' doesn't need to know about 'B' ...

which one is the the best joomla, DotNetNuke, Umbraco, Drupal or dotcms ?

For the brief interesting specification below, what is the best solution e.g. joomla, DotNetNuke, Umbraco, Drupal or dotcms etc. The hard part is we have many students, many classes, many teachers and parents ... too many groups. The basic user group of joomla does not work e.g. register,author,publisher ... We need a complete website ...

Handling collections with mixed POJOS, with different handler for each POJO

I'm trying to find an elegant OOP solution for the following problem. Assume we have a collection of POJOS, events in this case, where each POJO is possibly different class. We need to process this collection, using different rules for each POJO class (or type). A basic assumption is that we can't decorate the POJOs with appropriate h...

What is the smallest way to store a UUID that is human readable?

What is the smallest way to store a UUID that is human readable and widely database compatible? I am thinking a char array of some sort using hex values? ...

How can I master the idea of arrays?

I totally understand the purpose of arrays, yet I do not feel I have "mastered" them. Does anyone have some really good problems or readings involving arrays. I program in PHP and C++ so if there are examples with those languages that would be preferable but is not necessary. ...

Are private methods in general a code smell?

In the sense that a code smell is an indicator of a potential need for refactoring are private methods a code smell? I was looking at some of my own code and it dawned on me that many of my public methods don't actually do anything other than consolidate private methods of the same class. Furthermore, none of the private methods relied ...

Good tutorials for learning intermediate to advanced Regex?

So I'm familiar with the basics of regex but am looking for good tutorials for learning anything beyond the basics. I'd also appreciate any links to interactive problems where I can type in regular expressions and see if they solve it. Even ideas for intermediate or advanced problems I can try and solve through my own coding would be gr...

What is the difficult part of software development?

What is the difficult part of software development that has major impact on final product/output? and How? What I expect is, in which areas [like technology, requirements..ect] should I concentrate 'more' to develop better applications. ...

When are class variables loaded?

See the two ways of class definition: //definition: 1 public class MyClass{ private MyObject obj = new MyObject(); private String str = "hello world"; // constructor public MyClass(){ } } // definition: 2 public class MyClass{ private MyObject obj = null; private String str = null; // constructo...

Need help solving Project Euler problem 200

I am trying to formulate an algorithm to solve Project Euler's Problem 200. We shall define a sqube to be a number of the form, p2q3, where p and q are distinct primes. For example, 200 = 5223 or 120072949 = 232613. The first five squbes are 72, 108, 200, 392, and 500. Interestingly, 200 is also the first number f...

How do you avoid redundancy in documentation comments?

We just started using StyleCop and the one thing I'm having a hard time with is the documentation requirements. I don't want to debate the usefulness of the tool, I'm just wondering if anyone has any guidelines or ways of thinking about documenting methods that makes the comments actually useful. I find that my comments often contain a l...

What are CAD apps written in, and how are they organized ?

What are CAD applications (Rhino, Autocad) of today written in and how are they organized internally ? I gave as an example, Autocad and Rhino, although I would love to hear of other examples as well. I'm particularly interested in knowing what is their backend written in (multilanguage ?) and how is it organized, and how do they handle...

Factors in programmer productivity

As a programmer, what would you consider the most important factors that determine productivity? I am looking for an answer of the type: n% language m% experience i% programming mojo where n+m+i = 100 Or maybe productivity = (0.2*environment + 0.8*language)*skill I am not a very experienced programmer, so I can't judge for myself...

Linear Time Voting Algorithm. I don't get it.

As I was reading this (Find the most common entry in an array), the Boyer and Moore's Linear Time Voting Algorithm was suggested. If you follow the link to the site, there is a step by step explanation of how the algorithm works. For the given sequence, AAACCBBCCCBCC it presents the right solution. When we move the pointer forward...