
Early binding vs. late binding: what are the comparative benefits and disadvantages?

When discussing the evolution of computer languages, Alan Kay says that the single most important attribute of his Smalltalk is late binding; it gives the language its malleability and extensibility, and allows inappropriate coupling to be refactored out over time. Do you agree? Are there compensating advantages for early binding that ex...

Createinstance() - Am I doing this right?

I'm trying to put together a plugins system with .NET, and I'm not sure if I'm doing it correctly. The basis of the system is that a specific directory ({apppath}/Plugins/) will have a bunch of precompiled DLLs, and I want to look through each one with reflection, and for every class available, if it inherits a specific base class (this...

Can I late bind to event handlers in C#?

I'm creating objects dynamically and inserting them into an html table, the objects are either labels or linkbuttons, if they are linkbuttons i need to subscribe an eventhandler to the click event, but I'm struggling to find a way to actually add the handler. The code so far is: WebControl myControl; if _createLabel) { myControl = ...

.NET 4.0 Late Binding: Ensure Assembly Authenticity?

Hello, I have to develop a .NET C# application that supports plugins. I’ve found a lot of information on the internet and it doesn’t seem to be so hard. I just have a specification that the Assemblies of the modules must be validated on the assembly level. When the late binding occurs and the assembly loads, the host application must b...

Is this true about late binding ?

I read in "Thinking in java" in chapter "Polymorphism" about the concept of "Late binding" , i just wanna know if my understanding of this concept is true Procedural languages know where is the function to execute before run-time for instance if(condition){func1();}else{func2();} So the address of each possible function is known ex...