
How to use RelativeLayout and Right Of in a Custom adaptor

Hi, I am writint a custom adaptor for a ListView.. But have problem setting the Text Right of a Image.. Here is my code.. LinearLayout.LayoutParams iconParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(25,25); //Icon Parameters this.actionIcon = new ImageView(context); this.actionIcon.setImageResource(

Using layouts/elements in Cakephp

Hello all I am developing a webapp using Cakephp. I have created a default layout for the website. I created sections like header, footer, content. Now some of the pages in my content section have same structure. These are part of a controller with various views defined for each page. What view template should I be using here? Layouts ...

Rails3 get current layout name inside view

I have the answer for the Rails 2.X but not for Rails 3. How can I read the name of a current layout rendered inside a view. My Rails2 question: Thx. ...

Multiple Layouts - Works in Emulator, Not on Device

I created two layouts - one for portrait, one for landscape. All else is the same. There are two layout folders in the project the second one (for landscape) was created using the layout-view in Eclipse and using the 'create' button for the layout after I designed it. One folder (the default, created for the project) is: res/layout. ...

Android - how to inflate a complex layout and add to another layout?

I have an android question: I've successfully created a countdown kitchen timer activity, however my goal is to have an activity that has 3 timers on it that all work independently. I created a separate layout just for the timer itself and moved the timer code into a class and I've used layoutinflater to create the views and then added t...

How to know programmatically if a view or a layout file exists in grails

I want to know programmatically if a view or a layout exists in grails. I am thinking in obtain the absolutepath and ask for File.exists but I don't know how to obtain this path for every enviroment. I had tried groovyPagesTemplateEngine.getUriWithinGrailsViews('a-view.gsp') without success. Can you give me any pointer? thanks in adv...

Rails best practice to check an object's existence before displaying an attribute in a layout

I have the following code in a layout: Posted <%=time_ago_in_words post.created_at %> ago <% if post.has_tag != nil %> in the <%= %> category <% end %> And the following code in the post model which is inheriting form ActiveRecord::Base def has_tag !self.tags.empty? end def get_first_tag self.tags[0]...

Rails Views: How do you pass a varaible to a partial layout?

In one of my views I apply a layout to a block of code: # In app/views/sessions/new.html.erb <% render :layout => 'home/shadow_box' do %> #... code for sign in form here <% end %> The layout is a div that has png shadows on all four sides. Since I use this layout all over my site, I want to pass a variable to the layout that spec...

In Grails how do I capture multiply selected items in g:select?

I have a Contact Domain class that can be associated with multiple Organizations, which are also domain classes. I want to use a multiple selection box to allow the user to select the organizations that are associated with the current contact. The selection box is populated with the available organizations. How do I assign the selected i...

Performance problem in view framework in Grails

Hi I run some test to keep track of response time of a grails app. I use the layout-view framework of grails in this way: In a controller I determine what view and layout to use Then I render a genericView with a code like this: So this genericView do all the magic. I create a Performance filter that track how much time takes b...

Qt: Same Widget Inside Two Different Layouts

Hi What I'm trying to achieve is that a widget could exist in two different layouts, in this case in QHBoxLayout and in QVBoxLayout. I'm implementing a system which dynamically switches between the two layouts when a device's screen orientation changes. Currently I'm creating, let's say a complex composite widget called MyWidget and ad...

Android phonebook layout

I want to make iPhone app like Phonebook on android. My Main problem is how to make font list filter. Font list should be displayed on right side and Toast should display selected font. One of the problems that I have is too small fonts for selecting Please help with some example. ...