
Determining the index of an Item on a Form (J2ME)

Given an Item that has been appended to a Form, whats the best way to find out what index that item is at on the Form? Form.append(Item) will give me the index its initially added at, but if I later insert items before that the index will be out of sync. ...

How to interact between GameCanvas and LCDUI elements on J2ME?

The thing is I writing a J2ME program that fisrt of all show a "menu" using graphics interface (GameCanvas) and when the user select one item, I need to setCurrent that item (ex. a List), but when return from the List (it could be because the user push a Command "Menu" Item) I need to show the menu again. The real problem when the menu...

LWUIT in a enterprise J2ME application ?

We are developing a J2ME application and sometimes we face constraints while working with the default lcdui library. Whenever we want some extra in the UI, the only option is to work with canvas which is not so easy. Now we are thinking to use LWUIT as UI library instead of ludui but having some question before starting - Is LWUIT matu...