
How to calculate the number of longest common subsequences

Hi, I'm trying to calculate the amount of longest possible subsequences that exist between two strings. e.g. String X = "efgefg"; String Y = "efegf"; output: The Number of longest common sequences is: 3 (i.e.: efeg, efef, efgf - this doesn't need to be calculated by the algorithm, just shown here for demonstration) I've manag...

Can I use a plaintext diff algorithm for tracking XML changes?

Hi all! Interesting question for you here. I'm working in Flex/AS3 on (for simplicity) an XML editor. I need to provide undo/redo functionality. Of course, one solution is to store the entire source text with each edit. However, to conserve memory, I'd like to store the diffs instead (these diffs will also be used to transmit update...

How to speed up calculation of length of longest common substring?

I have two very large strings and I am trying to find out their Longest Common Substring. One way is using suffix trees (supposed to have a very good complexity, though a complex implementation), and the another is the dynamic programming method (both are mentioned on the Wikipedia page linked above). Using dynamic programming The pr...

Longest Common Subsequence

Consider 2 sequences X[1..m] and Y[1..n]. The memoization algorithm would compute the LCS in time O(m*n). Is there any better algorithm to find out LCS wrt time? I guess memoization done diagonally can give us O(min(m,n)) time complexity. ...

efficient longest common subsequence algorithm library?

I'm looking for a (space) efficient implementation of an LCS algorithm for use in a C++ program. Inputs are two random access sequences of integers. I'm currently using the dynamic programming approach from the wikipedia page about LCS. However, that has O(mn) behaviour in memory and time and dies on me with out of memory errors for larg...