
Distant 3D object rendering [games]

What is the basic premise behind technology such as is found in Oblivion (and other games, I'm sure; haven't played enough to know), wherein objects from afar are vaguely shown when you view them from a distance? For example, a large tower is a mile away and you see the vague rectangle of it sticking up from the horizon... Obviously a gi...

Reduce number of points in line

I'm searching for algorithms to reduce the LOD of polylines, lines (looped or not) of nodes. In simple words, I want to take hi-resolution coastline data and be able to reduce its LOD hundred- or thousandfold to render it in small-scale. I found polygon reduction algorithms (but they require triangles) and Laplacian smoothing, but that...

How to utilize Level Of Detail when the heightmap is unknown.

We are developing a Google Earth like application and we are tring to utilize a Spherical View-Dependent (Adaptive) LOD method. Before the details I need to mention two things: We are using a Quad-Tree containing the tiles. (a regular subdivision method is applied) The tiles acquire their height values as they are generated....