
NAT Traversal with Java

I'm trying to find a way to communicate between two NAT-ed nodes using Java. My requirements pretty much align with the ICE-specification; i.e. I want to try STUN first and then fall back to relaying the data when nothing else works. I need some kind of streaming protocol, so either TCP must be supported or the library should provide som...

Problems compiling libjingle/gtk+-2.0 for Mac OS X

Hi All, I'm trying to compile libjingle on Mac OSX Snow Leopard. The INSTALL file said to './configure', 'make' and 'make install', as usual. But make fails for me. Initially it gave some messages indicating that I didn't have pkg-config installed (I guess OSX doesn't come with it installed?), so I downloaded pkg-config from http://pkgco...

Ruby Jabber/Jingle library

Do you know any well documented library for handling Jabber's Jingle (audio/video) extension in Ruby ? ...

What are the incompatibilities of libjingle and XEP-0166 et al?

libjingle's developer guide quite vaguely mentions incompatibilities between libjingle's implementation of Jingle and XEP-0166's specification. It also mentions it is incompatible with XEP-0167, XEP-0176 and XEP-0177. It never goes into detail what these differences are; in fact, it is unclear if perhaps these differences have been res...