
using libpurple from .NET

Can someone direct me to a code sample of how to use libpurple from .NET? TY ...

Send and receive messages via (libpurple) messenger protocols

I had an idea that would require me be able to send and receive messages via the standard messenger protocols such as msn, icq, aim, skype, etc... I am currently only familiar with PHP and Python and would thus enjoy a library which I can access from said languages. I have found phurple ( for php...

Getting started with libpurple

I'm writing a Cocoa Touch program that will (hopefully) use Libpurple as it's background. The only problem is that I have no clue where to get started. I've been looking through some source code of applications that do use it, but so far haven't gotten anywhere. Does anyone know anything that will help me familiarize myself with libpurp...

Ideas to extend this little project? - A pidgin web ui

I have built a little Web UI for Pidgin(respectively all libpurple based messengers) together with DBus and Sinatra. It was for fun and learning purposes and now I'm looking for ideas to extend it. Can you think of any useful applications or extensions for it? Since I work on this project to learn something new, ideas for other techno...

Setting Pidgin status from .NET

Hello, Is there a practical way to set the global status message in Pidgin for Windows from .NET? Dbus is not available in the Windows version of Pidgin. Searching SO and the net has revealed helpful tips such as "rewrite libpurple in C#", which might be a bit beyond my time/enthusiasm level for this project at least... Thanks ...

Good example of using libpurple?

I have an old machine in my house and one of the things this machine does is detect whether a particular door in the house has just opened or closed. Right now, I have that machine post a tweet on a private Twitter account. I would now like to give this machine its own AIM account and have it send me a message on AIM. The only message...

With the LibPurple chat_add_users callback, how do I get a display image from a PurpleConvChatBuddy?

In the LibPurple chat_add_users callback, you get a list of PurpleConvChatBuddy object's describing all the chat users. What is the best way to get the buddy icon / or user info photo for each of the users? I can't find any nice way to connect a PurpleConvChatBuddy object to a buddy icon, the best I can come up with is to request the u...