
What is the best way to do web scripting/web macros?

I'm trying to streamline some of our tasks at my place of work, and it seems that quite a lot of our developers' time is spent doing semi-mechanical tasks on the web (specifically, editing online stores that use web-based interfaces). As such, I've been looking into some solutions that will allow these tasks to be done by scripts since I...

Why does HTTP::Message::decodable complain about "Can't use an undefined value as a HASH reference"?

I'm getting a Can't use an undefined value as a HASH reference error trying to call HTTP::Message::decodable() using Perl 5.10 / libwww installed on Debian Lenny OS using the aptitude package manager. I'm really stuck so would appreciate some help please. Here's the error: Can't use an undefined value as a HASH reference at (eval 2) l...

«HTTP::Message content must be bytes» error when trying to post

I have the following code: ... sub setImage { my $self=shift; my $filename=shift; unless(-r $filename) { warn "File $filename not found"; return; } my $imgn=shift; my $operation=&URI::Escape::uri_escape_utf8( (shift) ? "Удалить! (Delete)" : "Сохранить! (Store)"); my $FH=&::File::open($...