
Lift compared with Grails

Hi, Lift/Scala is getting a lot of attention lately. Having worked with Grails in the past (and finding it quite handy BTW), I'd like to know if there's anyone who has tried both and what's his/her opinion about them. Is one of them better suited for one kind of scenarios whereas the other is better for other kind, or they compete should...

Reverse AJAX (Comet) and Spring MVC vs. Scala/LIFT?

There is a demo by IBM that shows how easy Reverse AJAX can be used with DWR 2. On the other hand, Scala/LIFT comes with built-in Reverse AJAX capability. Question: Any experience if this works fine with Spring MVC? Question: If you'd start from scratch, what are the pros and cons for preferring Scala/LIFT over DWR/Spring MVC Question...

Change background of some ClanderItem item in Lift/Scala.

Hi, I'm trying use Lift and CalendarMonthView widget to build a appointment system. CalendarMonthView works with Lift very well, but I have a problem that could not change the style of some CalendarItem that displayed on the calendar. According to the API document, I use the following code to change the css class of certain CalendarIt...

Scala / Lift: Set up hotdeploy through Eclipse?

How do I set up hotdeploy for Scala/Lift projects in Eclipse? Basically, I would like to be able to Set up a new project, from say lift-archetype-basic Launch jetty:run, either from some run-configuration or through terminal Be able to edit Scala files in Eclipse, Save/Auto compile Refresh the web-page in the browser and see the updat...

how to build this navigation in liftweb(scala languange)?

the code is: val nav = Menu(Loc("Home",List("index"),"home")) :: Menu(Loc("Daily",List("daily"),"daily")) :: Menu(Loc("Photo",List("photo"),"photo")) ::Nil` hi,I an newer in scala and liftweb but i troubled when i built navigation in snippet help me please ...

Lift filter to force ssl

Hi, in a struts application, I have a filter that forces certain pages to be accessed only over https via redirection. I'm thinking in porting it to lift so my question is: In the this environment, is there a "lift" way to implement such filter or is it similar/the same as in struts ? Thanks ...

Unsure of how the default menu in LiftWeb is put together...

Hi, I'm taking a look at how Menu.Builder is pulled together using Boot.scala and there's one thing that confuses me. I do see the option to login/register however it doesn't show up as one of the items on the sitemap. Where does that actually come confusion may come from not much java experience at all...lift I'm starting to...

Open source applications for the Lift web framework

I'm looking for open source applications written for the Lift Web framework. I want to read their code, and learn the best Lift-ish coding style from those. Anyone knows good open source Lift web applications? ...

How do the Scala based frameworks stack up for a complete Scala newbie - Lift, Play, Circumflex, etc.

hi, There has been a lot of movement in the Scala based web framework community of late. Coming from Rails, Rake, ActiveRecord and migrations - which is a good Scala framework to build production sites in ? A small hit in performance is acceptable if it gives a much better maintainable code. It would also be nice if collaboration fea...

Lift plugins like in Grails

Hi, is there an equivalent in Lift to Grails' plugins ? IMHO they save a lot of time in installation and the configuration often works right away. It's been really easy to integrate things like Melody - monitoring - Google Analytics, JCaptcha, PDF generation and WYSIWYG editors. In Grails performance has not been an issue but I'd really ...

how to get OutputStream

I want to get an image from a response but I don't know how to get the OutputStream. I know in jsp, it is: response.getOutputStream() but what is it in liftweb ? Thanks a lot. ...

For my next project, a web-app, should use scala+wicket or scala+lift?

Given the various advantages of the Scala language I have decided to write my next web-application in Scala. However, should I be using Wicket or Lift? I am familiar with Wicket, a like it quite a bit, but know very little about Lift. Is learning Lift worth the effort in this context? In order words, how does Lift compare to Wicket? Giv...

Scala-Lift project in Eclipse Scala IDE errors

Hello. I installed Scala IDE for Eclipse, and it seems to be working okay. So now I'm trying to import a Lift project (specifically -- autogenerated Lift project from Stax application platform), and now I'm having four errors at my workspace: value net is not a member of package <root> Boot.scala /rss2lj/src/scala/bootstrap/liftweb lin...

Positioning for Scala or Lift jobs

I'm starting to understand Scala and I like it a lot. How can you position yourself to get a paying job as a Scala developer (assuming those become more common)? What parts of the Scala ecosystem have the best job potential (Lift, Actors?). How can you gain credibility with a prospective employer without being able to point to Scala...

Lift Req object

Hello, in liftbook, there's an example of creating of a Req instance by using apply : case Req(List("api", "expense", eid), "", GetRequest) => () => showExpense(eid) but when I look into api documentation, there are two apply() methods, but I don't know which one and how is ran in this example. Also, is there a way, how to include /a...

Appending List[Database]

Hello. I am new with Scala and I am writing a simple rss reader. I have class Manager for managing feeds and content. package lib import scala.xml._ import import net.liftweb.couchdb.{CouchDB, Database} import dispatch.{Http, StatusCode} /** * @author smix * * Feeds manager */ object Manager { var db = List[Database]...

lift with enterprise java beans

Hi, I have troubles with deploying lift application with uses enterprise java beans. There's a simple example: @Stateless class TestEJB { def a = "hello" } object TestApi extends XMLApiHelper{ @EJB private var bean:TestEJB = _ def createTag(a:NodeSeq) = def dispatch: LiftRules.DispatchPF = { case Req("test" :: Nil, "", GetReque...

Background task in Liftweb environment

I must write daemon and I want to use Models for connecting to the database and some useful Lift classes. Is it possible to run analog of Rails's rake tasks? ...

scala & lift: advanced url rewriting

Hello, I'm looking for a solution for rewriting urls in lift using list declared outside the scope of LiftRules.statelessRewrite.append LiftRules.statelessRewrite.append { case RewriteRequest(ParsePath("abc" :: Nil, _ , _ , _ ), _ , _ ) => RewriteResponse("index" :: Nil) } I'd like to have the following code working the ...

Lift with db4o User model

Hi, suppose you have a Lift + db4o project... How do you define User model? Should I extend MetaMegaProtoUser? Thanks in advance, Etam. ...