
Why and when do I need to follow a method name with _?

I'm a bit shaky on the rules as to when you need a _ after a method to use it as a function. For example, why is there a difference between Foo's and Nil's :: in the following? def square(n: Int) = n * n object Foo { def ::(f: Int => Int) = f(42) } // ... scala> Foo.::(square) res2: Int = 1764 scala> Nil.::(square) <console>:6: er...

Partially applied recursive functions

def mainCaller() = { val name = "xyz" someList.foreach { u:Map => foo(name, u) } } def foo(name:String)(map:Map): Unit = { //match case.... //recursive call to foo in each case where name remains same, but map changes } how can I write foo as a partially applied function, where I dont have to pass name in every recursive call...

Lift Req object

Hello, in liftbook, there's an example of creating of a Req instance by using apply : case Req(List("api", "expense", eid), "", GetRequest) => () => showExpense(eid) but when I look into api documentation, there are two apply() methods, but I don't know which one and how is ran in this example. Also, is there a way, how to include /a...