
How do I rewrite Adobe Photoshop plugins for Adobe Lightroom?

Are Adobe's plugin architectures for Photoshop and Lightroom related in any way? If I have source code for a plugin, that works with PS 3.0-CS3 as well as PS Elements 6.0 can I use it with Lightroom directly? If not, what would I have to modify? ...

How to write a lightroom plugin which sets the crop of all selected images?

I wonder if it is possible to write a lightroom plugin, which applies crop rectangles to a set of images? Of course I do not just want to duplicate the crop, I'd like to set a different crop to every image, based on some computations. Can this be achieved with lightroom plugins, or would I need to try a different approach? ...

How do I display "image X of Y" in a Lightroom web engine Lua template?

I'm creating a new "web engine" (i.e. gallery format) for Lightroom, which uses Lua templates to generate HTML for the gallery pages. I've got both the SDK and Programmers Guide from here: But none of the SDK docs, examples, nor the Programmers Guide give me any hint of what variables I n...