
How do you deal with linktables when using Domain Driven Design and nHibernate?

If you have the tables Groups, Users, Channels and between each two a linktable, how do you organize that in Domain Driven Design and nHibernate? Does a Group have a UserCollection and a ChannelCollection, a User a GroupCollection and ChannelCollection and a Channel a GroupCollection and UserCollection? And if you want to add a Group to...

What about link tables in domain-driven-design?

In the book .NET Domain-Driven Design with C# from Tim McCarthy there's an example of a link table (two foreign keys + one boolean column) that gets it's own class in the domain. Is this common? The example is a Contact table and a Project table. The link table is a ProjectContact. What are the pros and cons of using a class ProjectCon...

ms access crashes when loading an mdb containing a linked sql server table

I have an mdb which used to contain a bunch of linked tables. These links point to tables in another Access mdb. As part of a controlled migration, I'm changing these link table to point to an SQL server instance instead, by iterating through all linked tables and updating the connect string to an ODBC one, then calling RefreshLink on ...