
GroupBy with linq method syntax (not query syntax)

How would the following query look if I was using the extension method syntax? var query = from c in checks group c by string.Format("{0} - {1}", c.CustomerId, c.CustomerName) into customerGroups select new { Customer = customerGroups.Key, Payments = customerGroups } ...

Linq query help

I'm attempting to write a linq query which uses several tables of related data and have gotten stuck. The expected result: I need to return the three most populous metropolitan areas per region by population descending. tables w/sample data: MetroAreas -- ID, Name 2, Greater New York Cities -- ID, Name, StateID 1293912, New York City...

How to count occurence of partly-matching words with VB.NET?

I am using VB 9.0 to split a text file and then count occurrences of the term <sequence>. Supposing I want also to count occurrences of the same term in a different format, e.g. <sequence and then group them together such that I output the result to a text box, i.e. txtMyTerms.Text=<sequence>+<sequence. How to do it? My current code is...

Convert this Linq query from query syntax to lambda expression

I'm not sure I like linq query syntax...its just not my preference. But I don't know what this query would look like using lambda expressions, can someone help? from securityRoles in user.SecurityRoles from permissions in securityRoles.Permissions where permissions.SecurableEntity.Name == "Unit" && permissions.PermissionType.Name == "R...

How to create Query syntax for multiple DataTable for implementing IN operator of Sql Server

I have fetched 3-4 tables by executing my stored procedure. Now they resides on my dataset. I have to maintain this dataset for multiple forms and I am not doing any DML operation on this dataset. Now this dataset contains 4 tables out of which i have to fetch some records to display data. Data stored in tables are in form of one to m...

When using Query Syntax in C# "Enumeration yielded no results". How to retrieve output

I have created this query to fetch some result from database. Here is my table structure. What exaclty is happening. DtMapGuestDepartment as Table 1 DtDepartment as Table 2 Are being used var dept_list= from map in DtMapGuestDepartment.AsEnumerable() where map.Field<Nullable<long>>("GUEST_ID") =...

Why I am getting Null from this statement. Query Syntax in C#

This is not working. Returns Null to dept_list. var dept_list = ((from map in DtMapGuestDepartment.AsEnumerable() where map.Field<Nullable<long>>("Guest_Id") == 174 select map.Field<Nullable<long>>("Department_id")).Distinct())as IEnumerable<DataRow>; DataTable dt = dept_l...

Why does this LINQ query compile?

After reading "Odd query expressions" by Jon Skeet, I tried the code below. I expected the LINQ query at the end to translate to int query = proxy.Where(x => x).Select(x => x); which does not compile because Where returns an int. The code compiled and prints "Where(x => x)" to the screen and query is set to 2. Select is never called, bu...