
how to execute Sql Raw Query in Microsoft Entity Model Framework.

Hi I'm using Microsoft Entity model framework to access my database. I get an issue while i use this execute query command for executing Sql raw query. Let me know how could i resolve it. svdc.CreateQuery<VideoMasterTable>( "select * from videomastertable WHERE FREETEXT(*, '"+keyword+"')" ).ToList(); Thanks in Advance,...

Query for existence of an object with LINQ (to Entities)

(I've put " Entities" in brackets since I don't know if this matters at all. I guess this is a quite general LINQ related question.) I want to check with LINQ (to Entities) if an object exists in the database. At the moment I am doing the following: using (MyEntitiesContext aCtx = new MyEntitiesContext()) { var aQuery = from c...

How to select with Linq to Entity from one table with two different variables?

I have a table where I have items under two different types as you can see below: How can I select from this table with Linq to Entity to get the result with two variables? where ItemType = Type1 and ItemType == Type2 .... select new {typeOne == "", typeTwo == ""}; ID ItemName ItemType 1 ItemOne Type1 2 ItemTwo Type1 ...

SQL's Rownumber with Linq-to-entities

I am converting my project to use EF and also want to covert stored procedures into Linq-to-entities queries. This my SQL query (simple version) that I have trouble to convert: SELECT CategoryID, Title as CategoryTitle,Description, LastProductTitle,LastProductAddedDate FROM ( SELECT C.CategoryID, C.Title,...

The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'System.Collections.Generic.Lis

Calling Index view is giving me this very very annoying error . Can anybody tell me what to do about it Error: The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List1[MvcApplication13.Models.Groups]', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'MvcApplication13.Helpers.PaginatedList1[MvcApplication1...

how to insert using linq to entity foreign key value?

I have a table (TestTable) for example: ID Name Parentid (FK) and I would like to insert a new record like ID(1) Name(Test) ParentID(5) FK. How can insert a new record into TestTable with linq to entity? var testTable = new TestTable(); testTable.ID = 1; testTable.Name = "TestName"; testTable ... thank you for the working example....

How to load Foreign key referenced tables data also in entity framework

I developed and entity framework (.edmx) application in 4.0 in that i got all the data of my querying table and its foreign key referenced tables data also. but when i change my project to 3.5 i am unable to get the data of foreign key referenced tables data. Please help me out... ...

LINQ 2 Entities , howto check DateTime.HasValue within the linq query

Hi all ... I have this method that is supposed to get the latest messages posted, from the Table (& EntitySet) called ENTRY ///method gets "days" as parameter, used in new TimeSpan(days,0,0,0);!! using (Entities db = new Entities()) { var entries = from ent in db.ENTRY where ent.DATECREATE.Value > Date...

Cannot perform an ORDERBY against my EF4 data

I have a query hitting EF4 using STEs and I'm having an issue with user-defined sorting. In debugging this, I have removed the dynamic sorting and am hard-coding it and I still have the issue. If I swap/uncomment the var results = xxx lines in GetMyBusinesses(), my results are not sorted any differently - they are always sorting it ascen...

Performing dynamic sorts on EF4 data

I'm attempting to perform dynamic sorting of data that I'm putting into grids into our MVC UI. Since MVC is abstracted from everything else via WCF, I've created a couple utility classes and extensions to help with this. The two most important things (slightly simplified) are as follows: public static IQueryable<TModel> ApplySortOpt...

Select most recent records using LINQ to Entities

I have a simple Linq to Enities table to query and get the most recent records using Date field So I tried this code: IQueryable<Alert> alerts = GetAlerts(); IQueryable<Alert> latestAlerts = from a in alerts group a by a.UpdateDateTime into g select g.OrderBy(a => a.Identifier).First(); Error: NotSupportedException: ...

SQL Subquery in LINQ for Entity Framework 4.0

I'm new to LINQ and EF, but I've been able to stumble through for the majority of the queries I have, but this one has me completely confused. No matter what I try, it comes up in SQL Profiler as a big mess :-). I have two tables: Users and UsersProjects. The goal of this query is to list all the users who are working on projects with...

Group by/count in LINQ against SQL Compact 3.5 SP2

Hello, I am using LINQ-To-Entities in C# and run queries against a SQL Compact Server 3.5 SP2. What I try to achieve is a simple group by with an additional where clause which includes a Count(). var baseIdent="expression"; var found=from o in ObservedElements where o.ObservedRoots.BaseIdent==baseIdent group o by o.ID into grouped ...

Linq-to-Entities Left JOIN

This is my query: from forum in Forums join post in Posts on forum equals post.Forum into postGroup from p in postGroup where p.ParentPostID==0 select new { forum.Title, forum.ForumID, LastPostTitle = p.Title, LastPostAddedDate = p.AddedDate }).OrderBy(o=>o.F...

IQueryable<> from stored procedure (entity framework)

I want to get IQueryable<> result when executing stored procedure. Here is peace of code that works fine: IQueryable<SomeEntitiy> someEntities; var globbalyFilteredSomeEntities = from se in m_Entities.SomeEntitiy where se.GlobalFilter == 1234 select se; I can use this to apply global filter, and later use result...

How to infer TResult from the actual Type?

I am using the Entity Framework, ASP.NET and C#3.5 I borrowed the following code to make sorting possible using a sortExpression from a GridView instead of the property of an entity: public static IEnumerable<T> Sort<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, string sortExpression) { string[] sortParts = sortExpression.Split(' '); ...

How do I check if a SQL Server 2005 TEXT column is not null or empty using LINQ To Entities?

Hi there guys I'm new to LINQ and I'm trying to check whether a TEXT column is null or empty (as String.IsNullOrEmpty). from c in ... ... select new { c.Id, HasBio = !String.IsNullOrEmpty( } Trying to use the above query produces an SqlException: Argument data type text is invalid for ar...

Using Joins vs Entity associations

I am learning Entity framework and linq-to-entities. It's possible to get cross values from multiple tables using JOINS (join keyword) or using the navigation fields ( associations) in which case the framework knows how to reference the cross data. My question is what to use when? ...

Entity Framework do not fetch specific column

Hello, Im trying to fetch an employee row from my database. The Employee tabel have a reference to a Job tabel. Now i want to update a Employee row with some new info. I put the new info in a new Employee object and then use this object to update the old Employee information in the database. This worked great until i added the referenc...

Linq-to-Entities returning List<CustomObject>

I have an entity name "Forum" with number of properties. I also created a partial class "Forum" that encapsulates Extra properties like int PostCount. List<Forum> lForum = null; lForum= (from forum in Forums join post in Posts on forum equals post.Forum into postsInForum select new { ...