do people build there own versions of all this? or is there a place to get all this prebuilt?
I got the latest FluentNhibernate which has NHibernate but no Linq.... but I don't really want to setup a ruby rake build system etc etc unless I really really have to! Prefer to just get all the binaries I need.
I need help with eager loading in with Linq in NHibernate 3 trunk version.
I have a many-to-many relationship like this:
public class Post
public int Id {get;set;}
public IList<Tag> Tags { get;set;}
Now I have the following mapping in Fluent NHibernate
public class PostMap:ClassMap<Post>
public ...
What I have is this:
Domain.List has many ListToListMemberships called "SubLists"
Domain.List also has many ListToListMemberships called "ParentLists"
ListToListMembership has one List (the parent).
ListToListMembership has another List (the member).
Given this I want the following test to pass:
public void WhenDeleti...
I´m using Nhibernate GA with Nhibernate.Linq 1.0 and latest version of FluentNhibernate downloaded from master on github.
Im doing some tests and whenever I try to delete a entity retrieved by a linq query i´m getting this error:
No persister for: NHibernate.Linq.Query`1[[Employees.Core.Entities.Employee, Employees.Core...
I'm attempting to use NHibernate.Linq to return objects deep from my object graph, and for some reason NHibernate is returning the root object. I don't know if I'm missing something, or if it is just a problem with NHibernate.Linq.
The compiler correctly infers that I am trying to return an object of type FacilityInstruction when ...
I would like to know, wheter it is a good idea and doesn't breaks n-tiered pattern, if I make the DAL return IQueryable - Collections and then use Linq in the BLL to do my queries?
What is about n-tiered then? Does that mean, that all my entities are fetched from databased an then queried in memory?... that would be awesome...
I am looking for a way to do a IN clause query on child collections in linq.
I have a an example as follows:
Entity: Product.CategoryAssignments - this is an IList<Category> that the product is assigned to. Product can be assigned to multiple categories.
I want to retrieve all products matching in a list of categories i.e.
Here are three classes in my domain:
public class Quote : IEntity, IAggregateRoot {
public int QuoteId { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<Price> Prices { get; set; }
public class Price : IEntity {
public int PriceId { get; set; }
public Carrier Carrier { get; set; }
public decimal? Price { get; set; }
public Quo...
I have 3 classes:
Mail has 2 properties: User and MailHeader
MailHeader has IList of Users (MailsDeleted)
Now i want all mails of a specific user, only if the property MailHeader.MailsDeleted does not contains that user
In other words with Linq i use:
var q = from sa in candidates
For example, given the following code, how is it possible to make the string comparison case-insensitive?
var query = from employeeGroup in _session.Linq<EmployeeGroup>()
from employee in employeeGroup.Employee
where employee.UserName == username
select employeeGroup.Em...
I am getting the following error when trying to return a list of new objects from a linq query. I am looking to return a stripped down entity for use in a selectbox and only need and id and name.
Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
myViewModel.Regions = _regionRep...
I'm using LINQ to NHibernate and encountered a strange problem while comparing strings. Following code works fine but when I un-comment:
//MyCompareFunc(dl.DamageNumber, damageNumberSearch) &&
and comment:
dl.DamageNumber.Contains(damageNumberSearch) &&
then it breaks down and seems that MyCompareFunc() always return true while dl.Damage...
Hi all,
In following code is any difference when I put "dl.DamageCount > 5" directly in the query or when I move "dl.DamageCount > 5" to a method or function then just call it from query?
It seems when I move it into a method, query does not work properly. Indeed it seems the function/method always return true regardless of condition e...
In such a code:
if (insuranceNumberSearch == null
? true
: ei.InsuranceNumber.Contains(insuranceNumberSearch.Trim()))
where insuranceNumberSearch is null, remaining expression is not null while in following code:
var q = from ei in session.Linq<EmployeeInsurance>()
where insuranceNumberSearch =...
It seems that LINQ-to-NHibernate and LINQ-to-SQL does not support short-circuit evaluation in where clause of query.
Am I right?
Is there any workaround?
May it be added to next versions of LINQ-to-NHibernate and LINQ-to-SQL?
for more information plz see followings:
It is asked before but that was one year back. I would like to know if it is ready for production now?
Short Version
This query works in the database but fails with Linq To NHibernate. Why?
var items = (from g in db.Find<DataGroupInfo>()
where (from d in where d.Id == dataID select d).Count() > 0
select g).ToList();
Detailed Long Version
I have two objects mapped by NHibernate Automapper with a Ma...
I want to load the list of users and their roles, with this query:
var q = from u in session.Linq<User>()
select new
Roles = from r in u.Roles
select new { r.Code, r.Name }
But this query is not working.
Produce the following ...
I have a basic NHibernate.Linq query:
var items = from item in session.Linq<ObjectType>()
where item.ID > 0
select new { ID = item.ID, Type = item.ClassName };
This works fine. However, ObjectType is a heavy-weight class, and I only want ID and ClassName. So I've created a DTO called EntityInfo:
public cla...
I am trying a very simple Fluent Nhibernate example:
SQL 2005 database with one table, VS2008 console application. The table has one record before the program starts.
I am trying to add one record, then display all records from table. Programs successfully compiles and runs without any exceptions, however no records are displayed. HBM m...