
Casting in the Linq To SQL

I've one interface which has following method signatures: public interface ITag { int M_Id { get; set; } string M_Name { get; set; } } And I have a class that implements the interface above: [Table(Name="News")] public class NewsTag:ITag { [Column(Name="id",isPrimaryKey = true)] public int M_Id { get; set;...

Multiple layers of foreign keys in LINQ query

If I have Table3 that has a FK pointing to Table2 which has a FK pointing to Table1 what I'm seeing via intellisense is I can reference Table2 from Table3 but I can't go Table3.Table2.Table1 it only goes one layer deep. from t3 in Table3 where == "some value" && == "some other value" select t3.t2.t1; T...

A Linq to Sql - Multiple .DBML files or one .DBML File

I am working on a web application using ASP.NET 3.5. The application has hundreds of tables. I was told in a seminar that I should use one .DBML file for the entire application instead of using multiple .DBML files (there was also a post in stackoverflow that said the same thing). Given that I have so many tables does using one .DBML f...

Populate a TreeView from an object

I am having a problem with a treeview in my WinForm app. I created a TreeViewItem class that holds the data. There are only 5 fields: CaseNoteID, ContactDate, ParentNoteID, InsertUser, ContactDetails. public class TreeItem { public Guid CaseNoteID; public Guid? ParentNoteID; public string ContactDate; public string Ins...

Return different objects with one LINQtoSQL statement

Here's my problem: I have an IPerson which is implemented by Employee and Student. What I really want is what you see below. One LINQ statement to get each type of IPerson. This works great until I call the method ;). It makes sense as to why I'd get the error, but I am really struggling as to find a decent way to pull all IPerson o...

Linq to SQL - return record details from two tables

Hey, I'm having some trouble with a linq query. It's a simple problem, but I'm not sure what the best way to approach it would be. I have two tables (I'm only showing relevant fields) called Artist and Song: ARTIST - int ArtistID (pk) varchar Name SONG - int SongID (pk) uniqueidentifier UserID (To lookup songs the use...

Linq To Sql Intellisense Property Names

If I had two tables such as this: Profile Table ------------- PK ProfileID int FK AddressPrimaryID int FK AddressSecondaryID int Address Table ------------- PK AddressID int Address nvarchar City nvarchar State nvarchar Zip nvarchar Notice, the profile has a two relationships to the same table, the address table. When I create my li...

Linq to SQL: Left Join to MAX aggregate

I am trying to write a Linq to SQL statement which displays all customer records and only the matching max(InvoiceId) of the invoice table; basically the newest invoice for the customer. The left join is required because a customer may not have any invoices but need to be in result set. Two basic tables with a foreign key of Customer.C...

Move records to another table using LINQ to SQL

I have suddenly faced a problem with moving some records in a SQL Server database from one table to another, using LINQ to SQL. Is it possible to write in LINQ to SQL a query just as simple as this: INSERT INTO Table2 SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Selected = 1 GO DELETE FROM Table1 WHERE Selected = 1 GO without using loops and collectio...

Linq to SQL on Mono?

Is it possible "in anyway" that I can use Linq to SQl on a Mono project? If it's actually .net port then if I import the and the DBML that generated in VS, will it work? THanks! ...

Linq2Sql, GroupBy and return specific object

Hi! I'm have a list of keywords; pizza (10:13 PM) milk (10:12 PM) pizza (10:11 PM) pizza (10:10 PM) milk (10:09 PM) beans (10:08 PM) corn (10:07 PM) juice (10:06 PM) foo (10:05 PM) I want to group them like this (top 5, notice foo is not in the list): Pizza (3) (10:13 PM) Milk (2) (10:12 PM) Beans (1) (10:08 PM) Corn (1) (10:07 PM...

Problem with decimal precision in SQL using Linq to SQL

I have a simple query: var results = from k in db.tree_nodes join s in db.stocks on k.tree_nodes_id equals s.tree_nodes_id into tmpTable from rowtmp in tmpTable.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { stock = (rowtmp.amount == null) ? ...

Problems updating/inserting with Linq-to-SQL + child relationships

Hi, I'm learning LINQ, and am having trouble with inserting and updating in one go. I have a StatusReport table (School, Customer, Time), where School is the primary key, and a Service table (School, ServiceName, State, and Version), where School is a foreign key, and School + ServiceName is the primary key. Here's my update code: pub...

Translating Where() to sql

Hi. I saw DamienG's article ( in how to map client properties to sql. i ran throgh this article, and i saw great potential in it. Definitely mapping client properties to SQL is an awesome idea. But i wanted to use this for something a bit more compli...

LINQ to SQL ForeignKeyReferenceAlreadyHasValueException error

This error is being generated when I try to change a foreign key. I know this is a very common error I’ve found tons of information about it and tried to implement the fixes I’ve found but I still get this error when trying to update Keys. Reference Thread Originally I was just directly assigning the value and not trying to map the ent...

Is there any way in Linq To SQL to obtain the underlying (raw) SQL happening in a SubmitChanges() call?

I am working on a content management system which is being sort of retrofitted onto an existing database, and the database has many many tables. There will be a staging database, where we will make changes and allow users to 'preview in place'. Then any changes have to be approved, and to publish them we will connect to a live version ...

Simple Linq question: How to create query with logic operators

Just began to develop using LINQ, and still can't understand some simple things. So, LinqTable.SingleOrDefault(t=>(t.Field1=="value1")) is equal to SQL "SELECT * FROM LinqTable WHERE Field1="value1" LIMIT 1" How to create (using Linq) the query like "SELECT * FROM LinqTable WHERE Field1="value1" AND Field2="value2" LIMIT 1? ...

Is using Linq to SQL in a MembershipProvider implementation safe?

I'm creating a custom MembershipProvider for an ASP.NET MVC website, and I was planning on using LINQ to SQL for the internals, as I am for the rest of the website. Are there any issues with this, specifically any security issues it causes? ...

Multiple joins into one list

With the query below I am doing multiple joins and selecting them all. I want to return this result into a list, so in this case I would have a List with a count of three, assuming that there are three addresses associated with this single customer id order...Right now the query works but I put exp.ToList() it gives me essentially a 2d l...

Reaching child records in a SQL Server table

Out of my lack of SQL Server experience and taking into account that this task is a usual one for Line of Business applications, I'd like to ask, maybe there is a standard, common way of doing the following database operation: Assume we have two tables, connected with each other by one-to-many relationship, for example SalesOderHeader a...