
What Linq to XML do I need to bind XML to Silverlight Datagrid

I was looking at this question and it gave me about 80% of what I needed. The "problem" for me is that my XML is strucutred differently and I am not quite sure how I would go about using Linq to get at what I need. My XML looks like this (By the way, its generated by the ConvertTo-XMl PowerShell Cmdlet) <?xml version="1.0"?> <Objects> ...

Problem with linq query with empty value

I'm trying to get values from xml, and I have problem with empty value. I'm using this query to get all not empty values from Attribute "RODZ", and this code works, but it return me empty values too :/ XDocument loaded = XDocument.Load(@"c:\TERC.xml"); var q = (from c in loaded.Descendants("catalog") from r in c....

LNQ to XML. Enumeration yielded no results?

Hello all, i cannot figure out why Enumeration does not yield any results Dim Configuration = From Setup In XElement.Load("C:\xml\setup.xml").Elements("settings") Select Setup For Each Setting As String In Configuration 'Do something Next And here is the Xml file located at C:/xml/setup.xml <?xml vers...