
LINQ - can I put a condition for the results set?

I am messing around with LINQ and I am curious to see what I can do with it. I would like to know if it is possible to have a LINQ query that imposes a condition over the resultant set. For example, let's say I have a List of several words, and I wish to find sets of words that form a chain (i.e. last letter of a word = first letter of n...

LINQ: Get min and max values of sequence of numbers divided into subsequences

Hi All, how can I split a sequence of numbers into subgroups of numbers and get the local minimum and maximum of the subgroups with linq? If I have a sequence of, lets say 11 items { 3, 2, 5, 9, 9, 6, 7, 2, 5, 11, 2 } I want to split this into subgroups with 3 or less items. So I get the following 4 subgroups: { 3, 2, 5 } , { 9, 9, ...

Can I improve these Pagination extension methods?

I've just written a couple of pagination extension methods and I was curious to know if there was any improvements I could make. I'm pretty happy with the base pagination method, where you supply both the page size and page number (as seen below) public static IEnumerable<T> Paginate<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, int pageSize, int...

return LINQ to list<entity> ?

List<PersonsInChargeEntity> picList = new List<PersonsInChargeEntity>(); List<ClientEntity> clientList = new List<ClientEntity>(); var returnList = (from PersonsInChargeEntity pic in picList join ClientEntity client in clientList on pic.ClientNumber equals client.ClientNumber ...

Integration testing web services against a testing database

I'm currently building a .net web application that uses WCF web services to allow a Flex front end to access the database. I'm in the process of setting up some unit/integration style testing on the web services and am trying to work out the best way to allow the tests to access and modify data in a separate test database. Currently, t...

learning LINQ to SQL

For anyone interested in learning LINQ To SQL, could you suggest: good book titles web articles/tutorials videos UPDATE: After googling i found most usefull the following LinqPad (I already bought a licence!) Linq in Action by Manning and Linq videos from the VB Team Please be my guest and complete the list! ...

C# System.Linq.Lookup Class Removing and Adding values

I'm using Lookup class in C# as my prime data container for the user to select values from two Checked List boxes. The Lookup class is far easier to use than using the class Dictionary>, however I cannot find methods for removing and adding values to a lookup class. I thought about using the where and the union, but i cant seem to get...

linq to List problem in C#

I have class Zones with properties and i want add data which i read with linq to this properties. example List<Zones> z = new List<Zones> z.add(new Zones(...)); var allZones = from s in db.Zones select s; How can i add allZones to z generic List? ...

Many-to-Many Databinding in LINQ

I've looked all over and haven't been able to find a clear answer to a seemingly common question: How can I do two-way databinding over a many-to-many relationship in I have the following database structure: I am currently writing a page for editing or adding a User record. Databinding things such as name and password is simp...

Looking to group specific items from a list based on names using linq, html helper related

Hi, I have a list of items I am retrieving which i wish to be grouped into divs depending on the common name that a set of the list items may have say for instance a list of firstnames I have. i would like to be able to create a div dynamically based on the items common attibutes. id 23 fistname darren id 37 fistname darren id 67 ...

Expression.Condition(nullableType.HasValue, new classInstance(){ ... }, null) can it be done some other way?

I am working on a projection utility and have one last (more?) hurdle to clear... Here is the scenario: public class Person { public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } public int? AddressID { get; set; } public Address Address { get; set; } public string Otherproperty1 { get; set; } ...

How to use LINQ Contains() to find a list of enums?

I have an enum called OrderStatus, and it contains various statuses that an Order can be in: Created Pending Waiting Valid Active Processed Completed What I want to do is create a LINQ statement that will tell me if the OrderStaus is Valid, Active, Processed or Completed. Right now I have something like: var status in Order.Status...

learning expression trees in LINQ

What articles/tutorials can you recommend for LINQ Expression Trees? ...

Linq group by question

Hello, I have a datasource with columns id,myname,eventime,ceasetime. I need to find out duplicate date ranges for a given Key. I tried to use - (from data1 in myDatasource from data2 in myDatasource where data1.SeqId != data2.SeqId && data1.myname ==data2.myname where data1.Event_Time <=data2.Cease_...

Extract keywords from text in .NET

I need to calculate how many times each keyword is reoccurring in a string, with sorting by highest number. What's the fastest algorithm available in .NET code for this purpose? ...

What is the easiest way to save a LINQ query for later use?

I have a request for a feature to be able to save a user's search for later. Right now I'm building LINQ statements on the fly based on what the user has specified. So I started wondering, is there an easy way for me to simply take the query that the user built, and persist it somewhere, preferably my database, so that I can retrieve i...

Can you map the results of a manual SQL query to objects in Entity Framework?

In LINQ, you can write a manual SQL query, take the results from it and have LINQ "map" those into the appropriate properties of your Model classes (or at least, I'm pretty sure I read you can do that). Is it possible to do something like that in Entity Framework? I have an web app that's using EF, and it's CPU usage is ridiculously hi...

How should i handle public properties?

Within my application i have a PUBLIC customer class... Public Class Customer Public Name As String Public Surname As String End Class Then i decided to use LINQ to SQL within my application. After adding the MyDatabase.dbml class, errors showed up since LINQ creates public properties too <Column(Storage:="_Name", DbType:="NV...

Could i mix values from local data with values returned from database while using LINQ to SQL?

I am creating an xml file with LINQ as follows... Public Sub CreateXml() Dim db As New MDataContext Dim Customers = <gallery columns="3" rows="3"> <%= From customer In db.Customers _ Select <customer> <name><%= custo...

Minimize LINQ string token counter

Followup on answer to an earlier question. Is there a way to further reduce this, avoiding the external String.Split call? The goal is an associative container of {token, count}. string src = "for each character in the string, take the rest of the " + "string starting from that character " + "as a substring; count it if it s...