
What do you think about this weird idea about how to configure development/staging/production instances?

I just got a weird idea about how to configure environment-dependent parameters. Sort of like parameters you can find in Rails' config/database.yml In my current project I use PHP and Litespeed Web Server (though the same technique applies to PHP + Apache), and I thought... 'why not use mod_rewrite for this?'. I have separate virtual ho...

LiteSpeed vs Apache httpd

I've been hearing things lately about the LiteSpeed webserver as being a drop-in replacement for Apache webserver. Even my web host is going to replace their shared webhost environment with LiteSpeed (I'm currently not sure if I must be happy about that or not). Does anyone have any experience with the LiteSpeed webserver (both in devel...

SQL Server, Restore a .BKP file into an MDF file but not LDF (no space for it)

I'm in an issue where I don't have enough space to accomodate my MDF and LDF files from a LiteSpeed backup we had done. I've come up with the following sproc: exec master.dbo.xp_restore_database @database = 'OSiteDB', @filename = 'L:\OSiteDB_2009_01_07_Wed_LiteSpeed_Full.BKP', @with = 'move "O1_SITEDB" to "S:\OSiteDB_Data.mdf"', @with...

Which to use on low spec CPU?

Hello, I have a dedicated server where i'm only the user in it. Processor : AMD Sempron 3100+ Memory : 1GB DDR I I'm using PHP for website. Its mostly used for downloading stuff and uploading and so. I currently using apache, it eats too much processor. So i came across few better then apache. I need to know which one of this good ...

htaccess redirect for everything but files/directories

I am trying to create a rewrite rule that accomplishes two things: Redirect (www.)? to Let any other directory or file request on through without redirection This not an Apache server (it's LiteSpeed), but supposedly it supports .htaccess files wholly. This was my shot at the rule: RewriteEngine...

Rails error with Litespeed 4.0.5

I just upgraded to Rails running Litespeed web server 4.0.5 and get the below error. I think it has something to do with setting up the Rack preference (server = Rack::Handler::LSWS) but not sure how to do it. Also, I'm running the lateast ruby-lsapi [root@idev logs]# gem list ruby-lsapi ruby-lsapi (3.5, 3.3, 3.2) 2009...

Large File Upload Memory Issue PHP

I recently took over a file hosting site (similar to rapidshare, megaupload etc.) and currently averaging about 75k visitors/day. After the migration, we wrote our own system from scratch. It's now time to upgrade the infrastructure and have been toying around with web servers and scaling. Now the issue is that after file upload is compl...

htaccess rule redirect non www to www - litespeed server

I have a question about using htaccess in my litespeed server. I tried to redirect to using this rule: Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain\.com$ [NC] RewriteRule .* [L,R=301] When I check http://dom...

Litespeed from Apache with Interworx CP

Hello, We are currently using Apache and Interworx control panel, when we install litespeed and activate that versus apache all websites loose mysql connections. Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks ...