
What new features and improvements does Lithium provide over CakePHP?

I've used CakePHP on several projects in the past, and have more recently started using Ruby on Rails, but there's a new project I'm about to start that will require PHP. While refreshing myself on CakePHP I learned that there is a new framework called Lithium that is essentially what CakePHP 3 was going to be. It's being developed by a ...

Hidden features of the Lithium framework?

Since there isn't a lot of documentation out there, some features of the Lithium PHP Framework are not well known by the public. Are there any cool code features which I would miss if I just use the framework as shown in the docs? ...

Symfony 2 or Lithium?

The answer may be based on 4 aspects: 1.- simplicity: we all hate write tons of code for simple tasks like in java, this is the reason why we use php, importing design patterns from java/university world is good, but usually independent developers like me need dev speed more than enterprise employees. 2.- backend: how easy will be buil...

What is Lithium's equivalent to CakePHP's Configure::load() and Configure::read()?

I'd like to store configuration data in separate files and load it/read it using the proper Lithium way. ...