
Live query plugin doesn't work with the visible attribute selector

Hi, I have the following running in the jquery ready function $('[id$=txtCustomer]:visible').livequery( function() { alert('Hello') }, function() { alert('World') } ); I get an alert for the first time saying 'Hello' but the functions are not called onwards when i toggle this visibility of the textbox. Please help...

Internet Explorer just does not like this jQuery code. (Livequery plugin)

This is code for a costume contest application I'm presently building. There will be a row of radio buttons 1-10 wrapped in labels that will all be individually clickable. Upon the click event, the form will submit, I do some post-processing and return a json object from which I will inject the post data into the page. This process will ...

Problems with livequery and rte on firefox 3.5.2

Hi, i been using the following code for some time now and it has worked ok on ie6-8 and firefox 3. $("#article").livequery(function () { $("#article").rte({ cssUrl: "css/rte.css", mediaUrl: "css/rte/", listenToClass: "send"}); }); but now that i have upgraded to firefox 3.5.2 it enters an infinite loop adding r...

Problem using jquery UI droppable and livequery!

I have this code for some elements to be dropped var $tab_items = $("ul:first li",$tabs).droppable{ tolerance: 'touch' ,.... and it´s work ok, but the problem it´s when I load another button by ajax or by javascript, don´t work because the new element don´t have binding for this event. In other similar situation I found a solution usi...

Autogrow jQuery Plugin on dynamic content in Internet Explorer

Hi I am using plugin here and I got a problem in Internet Explorer and Chrome (Not Firefox) See code below: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#main').html('<textarea class=\"test\">aaaa</textarea>'); $('.test').autogrow(); </script> </head> <bod...

jQuery - livequery plugin help

I add update messages as table rows when a user changes a radio button. I was running into the fact that once the message was added it didn't have the functionality that I thought it would since it was added after the page was already loaded. Then I found the livequery plugin that seemed to allow elements added after the fact to have the...

if you have the latest version of jquery, is livequery still usefull?

From what I understand livequery is for maintaining your events after DOM changes. Does not the latest build of jquery already support this? ...

livequery - confirm()

I don't get why this confirm() call fires up even though i hit "no". Can you tell me what i'm doing wrong? $('.deleteButton').livequery('click',function(){ if(confirm('Are you sure?')){ return true; }else { return false; } return false; }); The HTML Markup: <a class=...

jQuery's live and livequery not working for me when the form is loaded through ajax.

I asked a similar question earlier, but still have not found an answer. To keep things clear I am asking a new question with a different example. Here is my code that doesn't work. $(document).ready(function() { $('form...

jQuery Drag And Drop Using Live Events

Hello. I have an application with a long list that changes frequently, and I need this the items of this list to be draggable. I've been using the jQuery UI draggable plugin, but it is slow to add to 400+ list items, and has to be re-added every time new list items are added. Does anyone know of a plugin similar to the jQuery UI dra...

Livequery fires click no matter where the user clicks in the document

I have replaced the traditional select/option form elements with a nifty little popup window when a triggering image is clicked. The page is for accounting purposes and so multiple line items are to be expected. I've written the javascript that will dynamically generate new line item select/option elements. When the page loads, the initi...

jquery live & livequery

I'm using jquery's load to bring in thumbnails via ajax. I'd like to user to be able to hover over the cropped thumb to view a small uncropped version of the image using imgPreview plugin. If they click on it, then bring up the full sized image in a lightbox (fancybox). For the lightbox, I have: $("ul#plant_gallery li a").livequery( fu...

livequery fires multiple times

Here's the code: $(document).ready(function(){ $(".menu ul li a").click( function(){ curpage = $(this).attr('href'); loadpage(curpage); }); }); function loadpage(){ switch (curpage){ case "#page1": getpage1(); break; case "#page2": getpage2(); break; } } function getpage1() { $("#conte...

Can someone tell me what's wrong with my jQuery live method?

I've created this simple time picker app but for some reason this snippet of code isn't working. I had it working (maybe it was my imagination). I have 4 radio buttons. With each button having a click event attached (using jquery's live method), I show a DIV and hide the other DIVs. I also (i thought i was) adding a plugin's method t...

Toggle Problem in live event of jquery

Hi, I am stuck with this can anyone help me... here is the html <tr class="appendvalue"> <td colspan="2"> <asp:DropDownList ID="ddlSource" runat="server"></asp:DropDownList> <asp:TextBox ID="txtSourceValue" runat="server" CssClass="hide" /> <a href="#" class="t12">add static value</a> </td> here is the jquery $(...

Jquery - event does not work on the newly created element

Hello, I have a simple comment section where users can post comments to another users post - It works pretty much in the style of facebook wall where a user can write something on the wall and other can comment on it. So I have this form where the user can enter anything and when he submits - that information is inserted in the databas...

PrettyPhoto not work with livequery

Hello everybody, can anyone explain how to use the PrettyPhoto with livequery? $(document).ready(function() { $(".gallery a[rel^='prettyPhoto']").livequery( function() { $(this).prettyPhoto({theme:'facebook'}); }); }); The code is right but I think the livequery not support PrettyPhoto. Someone confirm? ...

JQuery - add more than 1 comment doesnt work

By this code I add comments to a posts. But there is a problem - the first comment work, but i am not able to add next. I use livequery, so it shold work. Can you help me? $('form.comment_form').livequery('submit', function a() { var element = $(this); var wall_post_id = element.attr("id"); var wall_messag...

how to remain facebox open after a form submition

I have a form that is shown inside a facebox but I want to validate the sutmibted data and if there is a error show it on the ame facebox. any idea hon how to do this ? regards ...

Using jQuery tooltip at runtime by livequery

Does anybody know how to use tooltip at runtime using livequery? I found some infos, but for me it doesnt work. jQuery('.button').bind('click', function () { std(); }); function std () { jQuery('.abcd') { jQuery('.abcd').tooltip(); }); } ...