
When to trash hashmap contents to avoid performance degradation?

Hello, I'm woking on Java with a large (millions) hashmap that is actually built with a capacity of 10.000.000 and a load factor of .75 and it's used to cache some values since cached values become useless with time (not accessed anymore) but I can't remove useless ones while on the way I would like to entirely empty the cache when its ...

Does it make sense to resize an Hash Table down? And When?

Hi, My Hash Table implementation has a function to resize the table when the load reaches about 70%. My Hash Table is implemented with separate chaining for collisions. Does it make sense that I should resize the hash table down at any point or should I just leave it like it is? Otherwise, if I increase the size (by almost double, actu...

Hash Table: Should I increase the element count on collisions?

Hi, Right now my hash tables count the number of every element inserted into the hash table. I use this count, with the total hash table size, to calculate the load factor and when it reaches like 70%, I rehash it. I was thinking that maybe I should only count the inserted elements with fills an empty slot instead of all of them. Cause...

are deleted entries counted in the load factor of a hash table using open addressing

When calculating the load factor of a hashtable with an open-addressing array implementation I am using: numberOfKeysInArray/sizeOfArray however it occurred to me that since deleted entries must be marked as such (to distinguish them from empty spaces), it might make sense to include these in the number of keys. My thinking is that ...