
Confusion over class resolution in Oracle java stored procedures

I'm trying to use a third-party java library within oracle. The library seems compatible with the same 1.4 version of the jvm that our Oracle 10g server hosts, since it runs fine outside of Oracle, so I feel like I should be able to get this to work. This library ends up making SOAP-based http requests, and I get class resolution error...

Moving data between oracle and sql server using Linked server

Hello Everyone, I have set up Oracle Linked server on Sql Server 2005 box using Oracle provider oledb and its working fine from sql server 2005 to oracle 9i, i.e. When i run distributed query from sql server i get data from oracle server to sql server. Now I don't have any clue how do i run distributed query from Oracle server and get d...

Couldn't run loadjava on user schema to load dbwsclientws.jar dbwsclientdb102.jar

I am trying to load oracle webservice client jars to my schema. I did set the PATH to inlcude: /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin When I try to run loadjava as "loadjava -u myschema/myscehmapwd -r -v -f -genmissing dbwsclientws.jar dbwsclientdb102.jar" I am getting error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: or...

Oracle: named java procedures, scoped by schema name?

If I do this: loadjava -u user1 MyClass.class loadjava -u user2 MyClass.class are the two class definitions distinct? i.e., I can install a new version into user2 without affecting the code referenced by user1? ...