
How can I change the location of a page and not redirect the user?

I want to be able to change the address of a page but not issue any HTTP requests upon making that change. How can this be done using JavaScript? ...

Find out when the window.location.href of an iframe has changed with javascript (jquery)

The question sums it up really... I have a parent page with a child iframe, How do you find out when the location of the iframe has changed, i.e. a user has clicked on a link in the iframe and the iframe is navigating to another page I know I can bind to the onload event of the iframe like so $("#theIframe").load(function(){ //Do ...

href link to # question

I have a question about the href link, tried googling it but could not find much info on this. I have a href link like this: <a href='#' onclick='openSerialWindow();return false;'><h:outputText value="#{i18n.regFindSerialNumber}" /></a> previously the # was replaced by the page.htm that it should link to and that caused an error when ...

how to link css file at html page

dear all... i have some script..it lies in some direktori : var/www/html/dataTables-1.6/media/css/demo_page.css how to put in html page? <link href=......??? rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"> ...

Getting values from location

I need to get the search query from the search query of the address of the page. What is the safest cross-browser, and most efficient method of getting the string. for example: q=123&data=true&b=456 //from http://www.example.com/?q=123&amp;data=true&amp;b=456 And is location.search available on all modern browsers (IE7+, FF, webkit, ...

HTML - Recomnended href link sytanx

we can give the href like the following <a href="images\image.png"> <a href="images/image.png"> <a href=".\images\image.png"> <a href="./images/image.png"> which is the recommended method... which doesnot have problem on any browser and on any web server.... leave the image type... consider the link\paths and PLEASE explain why t...

FancyBox close from within iframe and take parent page to the link

I found applying the following function to a links onclose works to close Fancybox from within an iFrame: parent.$.fancybox.close(); I want to take this further and have the link take the parent page to a new url. I've tried the following but it doesn't work: <a onclick="location.href='http://www.domain.com/page/';parent.$.fancybox.cl...

JavaScript redirect (location.href) breaks the Back button unless setTimeout() is used

I just came across some odd behavior in Firefox 3.6/Mac. I suspect that it's general Firefox behavior, though. I created two dead-simple test pages that change the window.location.href property to navigate to new URL: http://troy.onespot.com/static/stack_overflow/redirect.html http://troy.onespot.com/static/stack_overflow/redirect_tim...

jQuery dynamicly change onlick location.href

This works in firefox but doesn't do anything in IE: $("#_results").autocomplete({ source: data, minLength: 0, select: function(event, ui) { $("#log").empty(); log(ui.item.lname + ", " + ui.item.fname + " " + ui.item.sso); ...