
How to run my program on before logout on windows XP?

I am looking for an inverse version of "RunOnceEx". RunOnceEx does run some program, before the user's shell(desktop&taskbar) start. The login progress will not continue before the runonceex complete. I want to do exact the same but on user logout. When she/he logout, all running program shutdown, leaving shell(desktop&taskbar), then "...

How do I track web-based Logins and Logouts?

I'm making modifications to a members-based site whose owner wants to be able to track time spent on site (login/logout) for all users in a DB backend. Login is easy; there's one point of entry (the login form) and as a result, logins can be thrown in the database as soon as they happen. Logouts, however, are a bit trickier, as unless ...

Login and Logout AD with C#

Hi, How can i login without logout from current user to another Active Directory user with C#. ; 1-Getting new user's access 2- doing my work and than logout with c# same way. For example i am a user at blabla.com domain.I have logged in a Power User.But i need Admin Rights for something so i need to logout and change user to Administ...

C# Session management

Hi, I am using a C# Webservice to log a user out. I am using the formsauthentication.signout for the same. I am passing this webservice call through JQuery. How to I get the user to redirect to login page? I tried the window.location = "login.aspx", it works but if i type in another page in the secure area, it opens up again. Thanks....

Asp.net: Implementing Auto-Logout functionality

Hi, I have to implement auto-logout functionality in one of my projects and i just cant figure out where to start looking for ideas but SO. What i need is for the application to redirect the user to the login page if the user session has expired. Please tell me as to what should be my approach to tackle this requirement. Problem St...

How to force logout of all users on VSS?

VSS is resuming it's sabotage of my repository again. The repair command won't let me repair, the lock VSS doesn't seem to affect currently logged in users-- and it isn't a user, its claiming the only person logged in is admin (via the VSS admin tool!) and I have already closed all instances of the VSS admin tool and client. ...

Logout code in JSP

I am using basic level authentication and I need best logout code in JSP/Servlet. I am using JSP & servlet and MS-Access as backend. Is it required to create session in JSP? ...

How to detect if the user is logout in php?

After the user successfully logged in, I store login = true in database. But how do I check if the user logged out by close the browser without click the logout button? And somemore, how do I redirect user who has been inactive for 10 minutes to login page? I am using php and mysql. Any help would be appreciated. EDIT: Sorry if my ques...

Best way to detect browser closing/navigation to other page and do logout

I am writing an application in GWT and I need to detect when a user navigates away from my application or when he closes the browser window (onUnload event) and do a logout (session invalidation and few other cleanup tasks). The logout action is performed by a servlet. I am currently doing this by hooking into the onUnload() event and ...

Is my method of auto-redirect-login page correct in PHP?

I have a community site where a user can have many friends. When displaying all of his friends, I want to include whether his friend is online or offline. My method is, when user logs in, create a session and update the users table, on status column "online". If he click the logout button, then i will set the status to "offline". Wha...

Clear Request.IsAuthenticated value after SignOut() without RedirectToAction()

I am writing an account management controller and have to process deleting of own user's account separately: [Authorize] [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public ActionResult Delete(string userName, string confirmButton) { MembershipService.DeleteUser(userName); if (User.Identity.Name.Equals(userName, StringComparison.Invar...

how to logout after getting authenticated by single sign on provider?

I am trying to provide authentication facility through third party single sign on provider like rpxnow. After login on every refresh of page I am not able to retrieve the cookies set by the provider so that I can delete them when user desires to log out? Is there any other way to gracefully logout the user without trying to search for co...

How to logout from Relying Party ?

I am using Dotnetopenid for login. I am logs in my application by using dotnetopenid provider suppose google. At the time of logout I am ending the my application user's session by FormsAuthentication.SignOut(); but if I am not closing the browser and logs in using google it will not ask me for id-password and land me on secured page ...

Why DotnetOpenID have not implemented the logout from Openid Provider ?

Why DotnetOpenID have not implemented the logout from Openid Provider ? There current version is DotNetOpenId- and DotNetOpenAuth- Are they planning to implement logout in next version ? ...

ASP.NET Windows Authentication logout

How do you logout when using Windows authentication in ASP.NET like this web.config? <authentication mode="Windows" /> I've already tried the following unsuccessfully. It redirects, but does not log out the user. void logoutButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HttpContext.Current.Session.Clear(); HttpContext.Current.Se...

Manually logging out a user, after a site update in Django

I have a website,which will be frequently updated. Sometimes changes happen to User specific models and are linked to sessions. So after I update my site, I want the user to logout and log back in. So I would logout the user right then. If he logs back in, he will see the latest updates to the site.How do I do it? ...

How to logout when using .htaccess (and .htpasswd) authentication?

Possible Duplicate: HTTP authentication logout via PHP Hi I have a some functionality on my website protected using .htaccess and .htpasswd. When users attempt to access this, they get prompt to enter details. They enter their details and get in and can see stuff etc. All works fine. My question is how do I create a logout f...

How to log out an user in php?

Currently, in my php script, after an user logged in, i stored session_login = 1. But I have a problem. I have a habit in using firefox, multi-tab (i believe most people and all today web browsers app have multi-tab function). I closed the tab that has the session, but I didnt closed the browser. After few hours, I come back on the same ...

PHP, login and logout time in temporary table?

Hi, I just read an article somewhere. They are using session_id store the login and logout time for every successful logged in user in a temporary table. Which means, the table would be deleted once the session destroyed. So why are they creating the tables?? Is there any use of the temporary tables? And why must use session_id?? What ...

django 'url' template tag error

My URLconf contains this pattern: url(r'^accounts/logout/$','django.contrib.auth.views.logout', name="logout"), And I've trying to reverse that in a template with the URL tag like this: <a href="{% url logout next_page=request.path %}">logout</a> But I keep getting the following error: Reverse for 'logout' with arguments '()' and...