
What is wrong with my WINAPI call to handle long file paths?

I've been trying to figure out the best way to copy files in Windows with deep paths (files, not folders so robocopy is out of the question). The best solution I've been able to come up with is writing my own solution. I've been able to write the code to handle listing directories with 10,000 character deeps paths but using the same ap...

Why do I get this ERROR_NO_TOKEN when I call WINAPI's CopyFile on deep paths?

This is a follow up to my previous question. After taking the solution to the previous question, I got an error code (1008: ERROR_NO_TOKEN) when copying a file with a 1300 character path. After googling and reading msdn, this doesn't seem to be a solid solution to this problem. The error seems to be tied to thread and process privileg...