
What java comet-style framework is the most mature and robust?

There seems to be significant issues with Tomcat6/Comet/NIO (example). Are the majority of people doing asynchronous http using something else? Jetty/continuations? What about Glassfish's servlet 3.0 implementation? Others? ...

Long poll for JSF - what are the choices?

I need to implement long-poll for a notification system, I current using Primefaces ajax framework but currently does not support long poll. I just wondering what is available for JSF developer if they want to implement long poll? Another question: between long poll and web push, for notification system, which one is prefer? Note: I am ...

Persistent TCP connections, long timeouts, and IP hopping mobile devices

We have an app with a long polling scheme over HTTP (although this question could apply to any TCP-based protocol). Our timeout is fairly high, 30 minutes or so. What we see sometimes is mobile devices hop from IP to IP fairly often, every minute or so, and this causes dozens of long-lived sockets to pile up on the server. Can't help bu...

rails asynchronous communication and xhr polling

I need to write a Rails application (JRuby) that does asynchronous communication with another service in the background. There needs to be one connection per browser session. (It does not really need to be a open TCP connection but I need to free resources after the session ends.) The communication with the background service is not stri...

Long polling with IIS 7.5

Hi, I have a ASP.NET 3.5 web application that uses long polling for chat. It long polls an asynchronous handler for new messages. Each request can last a maximum of 15 seconds before being closed and reconnected. The application runs fine using Visual Studio Built-in web server but once deployed to the IIS (i.e. IIS 7.5 ) the long poll...

What is the best way to do comet/long polling in rails?

Either existing libraries or a discussion of how to implement it would be fine. I'm trying to find a solution that doesn't require thread blocking. I've found some solutions (like juggernaut and orbited) and was wondering what else was out there. ...