
Is there a cross-platform python low-level API to capture or generate keyboard events?

I am trying to write a cross-platform python program that would run in the background, monitor all keyboard events and when it sees some specific shortcuts, it generates one or more keyboard events of its own. For example, this could be handy to have Ctrl-@ mapped to "my.email@address", so that every time some program asks me for my ema...

Control iPhone Services using Low--Level API or PrivateFrameworks in Xcode

I am trying to make put together a simple application to control the phone services such as WiFi, Bluetooth, 3G, etc. using PrivateFrameworks or low-level API's. I am able to build the device and SSH it to my device without a dev account, and I have the include-2.1.SDK headers, but I am looking or some help in adding these PrivateFramew...

How does a portable Thread Specific Storage Mechanism's Naming Scheme Generate Thread Relative Unique Identifiers ?

A portable thread specific storage reference/identity mechanism, of which boost/thread/tss.hpp is an instance, needs a way to generate a unique keys for itself. This key is unique in the scope of a thread, and is subsequently used to retrieve the object it references. This mechanism is used in code written in a thread neutral manner. Si...

Batch put with pre-defined keys on Google App Engine

I would like to do a batch put of entities with pre-defined keys using the low-level api for Java. You can do a batch get: Map<Key,Entity> get(.Iterable<Key> keys) However the batch puts all seem to want to allocate their own keys: List<Key> put(Iterable<Entity> entities) Documentation page: http://code.google.com/appengine/docs...

Low level Bluetooth Programming in C++

Hi every one! I need a library (or API, ...) to do some low level Bluetooth programming using C++. Any reference or rich link will be great! And i prefer to work in linux based opreration systems... Thanks in advance... :) ...