
Downloading CSV via AJAX

Can you use AJAX to download a generated csv file from a web application? If so does anyone have any kind of reference that I could be pointed towards? EDIT: Sorry I should have mentioned I am using Prototype's Ajax.Request and I looked in firebug's response tool and the generated CSV is the response, I just need to get it to pop up wit...

Ruby on Rails, Low Pro, and JQuery (through JRails)

Hello peoples, I am using JRails with Ruby on Rails so that I can simply use jQuery since I am more familiar with it. I am also attempting to use Low Pro to submit some of my forms remotely. I am currently running into an interesting problem that has me stumped. I have added the following to my application.js file and I know that these...

Problems using prototype with lowpro through firefox…

Seems there's nothing to do… using the combo prototype/lowpro, no problems at all with safari + chrome (webkit based), but firefox does take it at all. Any clues on how to go through this ? big thanks. ...

lowpro x non-ajax post in a rails application

Hi, i have a form, that because it has a upload file, i had to switch from ajax to iframe post to emulate an ajax. The problem is that it has a component with lowpro to hide and show a button with onmouseover and onmouseout. Everything work fine. The problem is that after that i submit the form, with iframe, after the page reload, the ...

Using prototype/lowpro to reorder items on screen. JS not working.

Have the following JS included in my HTML: document.observe('dom:loaded', function() { Event.addBehavior( { 'a.move-up:click': function(event) { moveUp(this); event.stop(); }, 'a.move-down:click': function(event) { moveDown(this); event.stop(); } }); }); function moveUp(element) { ...

Click event not processed when using prototype (with lowpro)

I have JS code that uses lowpro (prototype extension) to reorder a set of dynamically generated questions. So when I click a.move-up I want to move that element's parent up. And a.move-down suppose to move it down. I'm using lowpro since the elements are generated after dom:loaded. http://www.danwebb.net/2006/9/3/low-pro-unobtrusive-scr...