
What UNIX commands support coloured output?

I enjoy using UNIX/bash commands that support coloured output. Consequently, I have a few aliases defined which automatically enable coloured output of the commands that I know support this option. However, I'm sure there are hundreds of commands out there that support coloured output - I'd like to know what they are. The ones in my ~...

How do you determine what bash ls colours mean?

When you perform ls in a bash shell, sometimes there are colours to indicate different resource types, and you can enable/control this with the --color argument. But neither the man page nor Google is providing an answer to the question: What do these colours indicate by default, and how do I display what the current system uses? UP...

Where are default LS_COLORS set in RHEL 5.x?

In a terminal in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x, running: [$] Env returns (among other things): "LS_COLORS=no=00:fi=00:di=01;34:ln=01;36:pi=40;33 . . ." Most of the content in LS_COLORS I find in the file: /etc/DIR_COLORS BUT the values "no=00:fi=00:di=01;34:ln=01;36:pi=40;33 etc.", I have no success finding, even after grepping t...