
Do WHERE clauses exist in Lucene(.Net)?

I'm building an ASP.NET MVC site where I want to use Lucene.Net for full-text search. My site will be divided into certain categories, and I want to allow users to search inside a specific category or inside all categories. To accomplish this, I plan to create a term in all documents in my index that contains the name of the category th...

How Grouping can be achieved in Solrnet/Solr(Lucene)?

Hi All I have Lucene files indexed according to pageIds (UniqueKey). and one document can have multiple pages. Now once user perform some search it gives us pages that matches search criteria. I am using Lucene.Net 2.9.2 We have 2 problems... 1- The file size is around 800GB and it has 130 million rows (pages) so the search time was ...

Can Lucene.NET be used with MVVM?

Just a quick pre-emptive question before we start to seriously investigate using Lucene. Currently building a C# WPF application, using MVVM and Microsoft Entity framework. My lead has brought up the point that this might represent a problem with us not being able to let Lucene directly access the database, and therefore there might be ...

Lucene - how to make multiple words within query AND instead of OR together

I am using Zend Search Lucene and if the user types in Vibrant Bouquet into the search box, results with the word "Vibrant" or the word "bouquet" (or both obviously) are returned. What I want is only to return those results with both words. Obviously I can do this by typing AND between the words, but as far as I can tell Lucene implicit...

Lucene(.Net) geometric (lat/long) queries?

I'm writing an ASP.NET MVC site where I plan to use Lucene.Net for searching. Some of my site content has a location attribute, and I'm thinking of incorporating location into the searching functionality. Does functionality exist in Lucene where, if I were to define latitude and longitude fields for my documents, the user inputs some co...

storing state of enterprise application in JEE server (e.g for lucene index)

Hi, I need to create a Lucene index on a javaee application startup, but i do not want to decide on the location of the index in filesystem myself. How do applications in general store any files created while running, is there any kind of store provided by the engine per application basis etc. that i can use. Best Regards, Keshav ...

Proper structuring of Lucene.Net usage in an ASP.NET MVC site

I'm building an ASP.NET MVC site where I plan to use Lucene.Net. I've envisioned a way to structure the usage of Lucene, but not sure whether my planned architecture is OK and efficient. My Plan: On Application_Start event in Global.asax: I check for the existence of the index on the file system - if it doesn't exist, I create it an...

Building a distributed index on Azure and Lucene.NET. Should I learn Solr and Hadoop?

I need to have my search indexes based on a Azure/Lucene.NET implementation. That being said, I don't have much knowledge of Solr and Hadoop, or what they offer the Linux crowd. Since I don't know the learning curve ahead of me, I'll tell you what I'm looking for and perhaps you can tell me how I should spend my time. I'm interested i...

lucene usage on trec data.

Hello, Does anyone know of any publicly available Question answering applications which have built using lucene on TREC data? Thanks ...

Where do I begin learning Lucene.NET Solr Hadoop and MapReduce?

I'm a .NET developer and I need to learn Lucene so we can run a very large scale search service that removes entries that the end user doesn't have access to. (ie a User can search for all documents with clearance level 3 or higher, but not clearance level 2 or 1) Where do I start learning, which products should I consider? To be hon...

lucene dateToString, stringToDate

Hi, I am in a locale where the time is two hours ahead GMT+2. When I encode a date using new GregorianCalendar(y,m,d,d,h,m,s) and then use DateTools.dateToString with DAY resolution, I end up getting the day before. Encoding 12:00 midnight 1,1,1970 I end up getting the 31st of january (22:00) which is clearly incorrect. The problem is ...

Solr Index appears to be valid - but returns no results

hi all, Solr newbie here. I have created a Solr index and write a whole bunch of docs into it. I can see from the Solr admin page that the docs exist and the schema is fine as well. But when I perform a search using a test keyword I do not get any results back. On entering * : * into the query (in Solr admin page) I get all the res...

Does it make sense to use Hadoop for import operations and Solr to provide a web interface?

I'm looking at the need to import a lot of data in realtime into a Lucene index. This will consist of files of various formats (Doc, Docx, Pdf, etc). The data will be imported as batches compressed files, and so they will need to be decompressed and indexed into an individual file, and somehow relate to the file batch as a whole. I'm ...

Lucene.Net BooleanClause issue

I'm having an issue with Lucene.Net and a BooleanQuery. This is my code: BooleanQuery query = new BooleanQuery(); String[] types = searchTypes.Split(','); foreach (string t in types) query.Add(new TermQuery(new Term("document type", t.ToLower())), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); This should basically be an OR statement going ...

Sphinx/Solr/Lucene/Elastic Relevancy

Hey, We have an extremely large database of 30+ Million products, and need to query them to create search results and ad displays thousands of times a second. We have been looking into Sphinx, Solr, Lucene, and Elastic as options to perform these constant massive searches. Here's what we need to do. Take keywords and run them through t...

Solr search and automated web publishing - can they work together?

I'm dealing with an existing web platform that uses SOLR to generate query-based datasets. We have an issue with near real-time (< 1 minute) publishing of new content. There is a caching mechanism in place to help reduce resource load on the SOLR servers, but this caching introduces a lag time in the appearance of new content in SOLR-que... returns the correct number of query hits, but not the correct documents

I'm new to Lucene and trying to sort this out. I'm indexing like this: Directory dir = FSDirectory.Open(new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(dirIndexDir)); //Create the indexWriter IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, new StandardAnalyzer(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_29), true, IndexWriter.MaxFieldLen...

Solr 1.3 ignore word "jackie".

I am using Solr 1.3. Recently, QA report a bug for the search functionality that there is no result for the word "Jackie". But, when i looked into document using luke, there is lots of document with the word "jackie" e.g. Jackie Holding, Kumar Rameshwaram, Morris Jackson Jackie Holding, Brendon Wessel, Smith McShlam Jackie Redmond, ... MoreLikeThis Error

Hi all, I am using V2.9 to create some concept clusters i.e. list of concepts and for each of those concepts associated concepts. But I am getting this exception in the MoreLikeThis.cs class: AddTermFrequencies(new System.IO.StreamReader(text[j]), termFreqMap, fieldName); Could not find file 'C:\DEV.....\Debug\s...

Lucene TermPositionVector and retrieving terms at index locations

I've been looking like mad for an answer to this however I'm still in the dark: i am using int[] getTermPositions(int index) of a TermPositionVector I have for a field (which has been set to store both offsets and positions) to get the term positions of the terms I'm interested in highlighting as keyword in context. The question: ...