
Performance tuning in Cocoa application

Hi I am developing a Cocoa application which communicates constantly with a web service to get up-to-date data. This considerably reduces the performance of the application. The calls are made to the web service asynchronously but the number of calls is huge. In what ways can I improve the performance of the application? Is there a goo...

Is there something like Microsoft's TechNet or MSDN subcriptions for Apple?

I would like to test software designed to run on a Mac and would need a couple of OS versions (old ones, too) and maybe other Mac software to set up my (virtual) test machines. For the same scenario on Windows, I can use the licenses available via TechNet or MSDN subscriptions. At the ADC Mac Dev Center, I couldn't find any specific inf...

Resources Of Macintosh Development

Hello, As I said in older questions, we(I and my friend) are trying to develop in a Macintosh IIci(System 7.5.5 68k processor), but we don't know where to start, then I'm asking here for some resources to develop on it. Thanks. ...

Books to learn objective-C for an experienced programmer.

I am an experienced C++, C# programmer on Windows platform and would like to learn Objective-C to try out developing on the Mac and iPhone. What books do you recommend me to start out with? Thanks. ...

New to mac development - where should I begin?

Hi I am new to mac development (I've been into iPhone dev so have a good idea of Objective-C). I want to create a simple application which gets/shows data to the user and uses SQL to save the data. Any sample apps that I came across are either Core Data apps or Document-based apps. Document based apps are definitely not what I want. Bu...

List of all running processes

How can I get a list of the names of all currently running processes? (In C/Objective-C on Mac OS X.) ...

Barrier to entry for programming on the Mac platforms.

Do any of you have a suggestions on how someone can learn to develop for the Mac Platforms without having to invest a ton of money into hardware and software beforehand? Does Mac have any options to lower the barrier to entry for tinkerers and developers looking to experiment. ...

Why can't my CPAN client from MacPorts find Module::Build?

I am using the macports in snow leopard. I wanted to install certain perl modules to be able to run a script. The DateTime module to be exact. How do I do this? I tried using the following command. perl -MCPAN -e shell cpan > install DateTime But it still says that not found. What have I done wrong? Edit: I think I have ...