
How to set background color for transparent pixels in MagickWand?

When converting from PNG to JPG using the MagickWand API, how do I set the background to white for transparent pixels? ...

PNG compression with PHP magickwand

Hi fellow programmers, I'm wondering how to compress an PNG image correctly. The situation is this : I have a PNG image compressed and color-reduced with Irfanview on Windows. It's about 20KB. When my portal software resizes (using magickwand 1.0.7) it with default values, it's about 63K (!). Next try was to call MagickSetImageDepth...

PythonMagickWand Shepards Distortion (ctypes LP_c_double problem)

I am trying to use PythonMagickWand to use a Shepards distortion on an image. You can also see the source of distort.c that is used by ImageMagick. PythonMagickWand does not by default support Shepards distortion. To fix this, I added in: ShepardsDistortion = DistortImageMethod(15) to line 544 of PythonMagickWand (See here for my modi...

How to take screenshot of specific window in linux using "MAGICKWAND" API ?

Please correct my syntax For taking screenshot of entire window, am using status=MagickReadImage(magick_wand,"x:"); For taking snap of a particular window I used status=MagickReadImage(magick_wand,"x:$WINDOWID"); Both are reporting syntax errors, but if I pass file names as second parameters then it is compiling without any failure. ...