
How can setup a friendly email name in the MailSetting section of web.config?

Currently I have: <> <mailSettings> <smtp from=""> <network host="localhost" port="25" /> </smtp> </mailSettings> </> How can I change it so the email is sent with a name and not the email address only? ...

Can I have two mail server for different emails

I have a registered domain name where the emails are handled by windows live admin center having a single mx record for my domain. I also have access to modify the dns records any time. We have around 20 email registered in windows live for my domain. for e.g., etc. Some users want to go in for goog...

SMTP Mail client settings in app.config file C#

I've put mail settings in app.config and can successfully pull them into a mailSettingsSectionGroup object. However, I'm not sure how to send a message using these settings. This is what I have so far: System.Configuration.Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None); MailSettingsS...

Trying to access App.config file for mail settings but fails to work.

Hello we have a Business Logic Layer which has an Email Services Class. In this class we have a method which will create an email(This part works and compiles fine). However when we try to access the app config file in order to test the method we get an error saying - Can't retrieve the app config mail settings and says all values are nu...

Why there is "from" attribute of <smtp> element in <><mailSettings>? How can i use it?

Why there is "from" attribute of <smtp> element in <><mailSettings>? How can i use it? As far as i see, i anyway have to specify From parameter for MailMessage class constructor. Can i use "from" attribute of <smtp> element for this in any natural way? ...

SMTP Authentication with config file's MailSettings

I'm storing my MailSettings in a web.config, however when I send the message, my SMTP server reports back that I need to use authentication. I've got my username/password in the config file, but it still fails. It works if I do the following, but it seems like an extra step. Shouldn't it just take it from the config file and use authent...