
A hello world example for a major mode in emacs?

Can anyone provide me with a hello world example for a major mode in emacs? I guess it's a beginner question, still I really like to write a major mode, both to learn emacs and elisp, as to be able to use customization to the fullest. What I have done so far (and is working) : wrote a file sample-mode.el and put it in a lisp dir ca...

Emacs syntax highlighing for PL/M

I'm about to start a new consultancy gig where I will end up dipping my toes into some PL/M. I have tried to locate a major-mode for PL/M but have so far been unsuccessful. Anyone here that can point me towards a PL/M mode for emacs? Thanks in advance! ...

Getting emacs indentation to work correctly in major mode

Hi, I am writing a major-mode in emacs for a DSL I've created. I'm inheriting from fundamental-mode, which tabs out way far (6 tab stops, I think). I'd like to be able to define: (setq mydsl-tab-width 4) and have that work. ...

Highlighting correctly in an emacs major mode

Hi, I am developing an emacs major mode for a language (aka mydsl). However, using the techniques on xahlee's site doesn't seem to be working for some reason (possibly older emacs dialect..) The key issues I am fighting with are (1) highlighting comments is not working and (2), the use of regexp-opt lines is not working. I've reviewed...

How to start a specific mode with emacs?

Users use 'M-x auto-revert-mode' for starting auto revert mode. How can I set the .emacs file to do the same thing when emacs starts? How to start a specific mode, when a major mode starts? For example, how to set the .emacs file when I want to start the auto revert mode when LaTeX mode starts? ...

Redefine major mode prefix key in emacs

I've been trying teach myself emacs, and because I am using dvorak, I foolishly rebound C-c to a movement key and got used to it. Now i'm actually starting to do some programming with it, and I loaded up a python file and noticed that C-c is the prefix to all the special commands in python-mode. Can I rebind the prefix key and change al...