
Can I use boost::make_shared with a private constructor?

Consider the following: class DirectoryIterator; namespace detail { class FileDataProxy; class DirectoryIteratorImpl { friend class DirectoryIterator; friend class FileDataProxy; WIN32_FIND_DATAW currentData; HANDLE hFind; std::wstring root; DirectoryIteratorImpl(); ...

How to make boost::make_shared a friend of my class.

I have written a class with protected constructor, so that new instances can only be produced with a static create() function which returns shared_ptr's to my class. To provide efficient allocation I'd like to use boost::make_shared inside the create function, however the compiler complains that my class constructor is protected inside b...

Using make_shared with a protected constructor + abstract interface.

Given an abstract interface and an implementation derived from that interface, where constructors are protected (creation of these objects only being available from a class factory - to implement a DI pattern), how can I make use of make_shared in the factory function? For example: class IInterface { public: virtual void Me...