
"C# base class virtual function" - "override in Managed C++ ref class"

I have a .NET_4 Managed C++ ref class that I derive from a .NET_4 base class written in C#. EXAMPLE:: { C# BASE CLASS:: namespace Core { public class ResourceManager { public class _Resource { public virtual void Delete() {} } } } } MANAGED C++ CLASS namspace Input.DI { public ref class Mouse : ResourceManager...

What is an un/managed DLL? What is un/managed code?

Could someone please explain? Thank you. ...

Can a managed handle be passed to an unmanaged process using pipes and DuplicateHandle?

I have been Googling on and off for a few weeks...searching for answer and not finding anything that fits my needs precisely. So, I'll ask the experts here. I currently have a managed (C#) Windows application that contains an image viewer in the main form. At present, the application uses PInvoke to pass a handle to its viewer down to ...

how to autoresize iframe contents on extjs webdesktop

hi all , i'm creating my personal extjs webdesktop , i have a tab panel with a tab where i wrote html code for iframe that load a aspx page. When i resize window tabpanel iframe contents doesn't resize like a browser does and i see just scroll bars,is it possible autoresize iframe contents also? here there is my code: items: [{ ...

Using C# managed structures/classes with Windows API

I'm sick of using Marshal.Copy, Marshal.Read* and Marshal.Write* so I was wondering if there's a way to force casting of an unmanaged memory pointer (of type IntPtr). Something like this: IntPtr pointer = Marshal.AllocateHGlobal(sizeof(Foo)); Foo bar = (Foo)pointer; bar.fooBar = someValue; // call some API Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pointer);...

Using unmanaged library

So in visual studio i have my solution with two projects, first one is managed c++ code and second one is unmanaged c++ library (waffles). I want to use classes from library in my managed code. If i simply add 'include "GMacros.h"', then i get 'cannot compile with /clr' error. Tried to wrap include in #pragma unmanaged/managed, but it d...

memory leak when using COM IDispatch::GetTypeInfo() in C#

I have the following function in a COM dll (C#, .NET framework v2): public void Leak(object jsObject) { Type comType; IDispatch disp = (IDispatch)jsObject; disp.GetTypeInfo(0, 0, out comType); // this line causes the leak Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(disp); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(jsObject); disp = null; ...

Wrapping a C++ DLL with a managed class.

Hi! I'm trying to wrap a unmanaged C++ DLL with managed C++ and I keep getting linking errors. even though I include my library.lib in the project and include the correct header file. This is the managed class: #pragma once #include "..\Terminal\Terminal.h" public ref class ManagedTerminal { private: Terminal * m_unTerminal; pu...

What is the most efficient way to update the value of all or some managed objects in Core Data in Objective-C

I've googled and researched but am not able to find the best way to iterate through all or some managed objects in my Data Model and update an attribute value in each of them, in my situation, update to the current date. The managed object context and persistent store delegate methods are all in my Application Delegate. I could add som...

.Net Data Access integration with Teradata 12.0

Hello I have am working on a .net application that integrates with a Teradata database version 12. Currently, we are using Odbc at the DAL to interface with the database. Teradata have come out with the .Net Managed provider recently. I was wondering if there are any performance benchmarks available to compare ODBC with the .Net Manag...

Custom attributes are not consistent?

i have converted a C++ library to managed and get the following error on this code line: std::ifstream fin(filename, std::ifstream::in); Errors: Error 30 error LNK2022: metadata operation failed (80131195) : Custom attributes are not consistent: (0x0c0003b5). C:\Users\Freeman\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\testsharp1\cpp1\MSVC...

WideChar to Multibyte in managed code?

Is it possible to convert a widechar to multibyte using pure managed code? I know there exists a WideCharToMultiByte Win32API function, but this is a security issue in SQL server. Thank you ...

Managed C++ Wrapper for Unmanaged Static Library with static variables hangs

The explanation of the problem is a little long-winded, please bear with me. I have an unmanaged C++ static library that is used for financial application. It has business day conventions, swap conventions, bond conventions, etc. Most of the conventions rely on static global variables, which are initialized on first use. The library als...