
Convince the need of maintenance, updates and recoding

One of my favorite topics to discuss with my boss is the need for maintenance work, doing code updates and refining existing code with new techniques. Especially things like: a new Telerik controls update (got to love breaking changes). How do you convince your boss? ...

SQL Server Manager icons and License

Hi Does anyone here know anything about the license for the icons in SQL Server Manager? I would like to use one of them in my application, but have not yet found anything about the licensing for this stuff. Anyone dealt with this before? Maybe I should contact Microsoft and get a written permission .) best regards Ola ...

Download manager that can continue download

I have a file half-downloaded. Do you know a download manager that can continue the download without loading the part I already loaded? Is this possible with HTTP? Thanks ...

Most unreasonable development assignment

What's the most unreasonable (programming) task you've ever been given as a developer? I think everyone at some point get's a variation of a travelling salesman assignment, but is there worse? For instance, I was once asked as a contractor to make a system that would take in marketing data and use it to predict the outcome of any futur...

Virtual Machine Manager Error - Error determing default hypervisor

I have Fedora 11 and trying to get Xen working (which I think it is already) but the Virtual Machine Manager cannot find the hypervisor. When starting Virtual Machine Manager, I receive the following error Error determining default hypervisor. Could not populate a default connection. Make sure the appropriate virtualization packages ...

Java Project Manager Help in Eclipse (help with program versions)

When I program I often end up making 5 or 6 different versions so that way if I mess up I can return back to an older version. In the Eclipse IDE, is there a way I can just click "create new version" or something so I don't have to make an entirely new project and copy and paste the previous source code to the new version I just made? ...

With python.multiprocessing, how do I create a proxy in the current process to pass to other processes?

I'm using the multiprocessing library in Python. I can see how to define that objects returned from functions should have proxies created, but I'd like to have objects in the current process turned into proxies so I can pass them as parameters. For example, running the following script: from multiprocessing import current_process from...

Free javascript navigation menu manager/editor?

I need to build a control that allows content managers to change 3 level menu. Anyone know any javascript navigation menu managers that i can use? ...

python multiprocessing manager & composite pattern sharing

I'm trying to share a composite structure through a multiprocessing manager but I felt in trouble with a "RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded" when trying to use just one of the Composite class methods. The class is token from code.activestate and tested by me before inclusion into the manager. When retrieving the class into...

How do Download Managers download huge files on HTTP without multiple requests?

I was downloading a 200MB file yesterday with FlashGet in the statistics it showed that it was using the HTTP1.1 protocol. I was under the impression that HTTP is a request-response protocol and most generally used for web pages weighing a few KiB...I don't quite understand how it can download MB's or GB's of data and that too simultaneo...

Resources on creating a GUI Layout Manager?

I have been working on a simple GUI and have hit a roadblock. I haven't found any examples or even readable source on how to create a GUI layout manager. I was wondering if anyone knew of some resources on creating one, or some source code that isn't cryptic like Qt's layout engine. Thanks. ...

Place button side by side

Hi, how can I make a button place side by side. I used a gridBagLayout to design the layout.The problem is that the button place too far from each other. I have tried to choose the CENTER as anchor but this makes the button overlapping. If I used WEST and EAST, the button placed too far from each other. e.g. SAVE ---------- NEW PATTERN ...

How do I list device types using WMI?

I'm using WMI Code Creator to generate code to help list the types of devices shown in Device Manager. I'm trying to detect the presence of a debugger that shows up in Device manager as its own type (e.g. Listed under my computer, the categories are Computer, Disk drives, Display adapters, Jungo..... Jungo is the one I want) Under Jung...

YUI Browser History Manager (or similar) with multiple IFRAMEs

I've got a page with an iframe that I'm trying to track the history with using the YUI Browser History Manager. I have two IFRAMEs on the page, one for the manager and one which I'm using to navigate. The issue I'm running is to is that after I've navigated the frame a few times and the back button is hit for the first time, the YUI ma...

Generating ButtonPress Event with xlib.

I'm tries to write my own window manager in working with xlib/X11. I have some trouble. To achieve some goals i decided to grab mouse pointer and filter mouse events. I have used XGrabPointer to redirect all mouse messages to my application, but there's a trouble - I can't obtain XID to window, which should retreive message. Additionall...

Should people only having management background be heading software engineering projects / departments

Do you guys think that people with no technical background or people who have been in technical organizations but have not passed through technical ranks should be promoted and made heads of a technical project or development teams. For example a person who has never been a software developer being made a project manager for a software p...

Asterisk Manager API - Extension -> ZAP Channel

Is there a way to retrieve the ZAP channel from an extension number through the Manager API? For example, this is what I see when I run "zap show channels": Chan Extension Context Language MOH Interpret ... 33 3594 from-zaptel en default ... But Manager API only returns the following (without ...

Is 26 too young to become a technical manager?

I'm 26. Long story short: I've been programming for over half my life all the way from 8088 ROM BASIC to TP to VB to C++ to C#. Lately, I've been less interested in coding, and more interested in overall project design (particularly UI design), managing a team, and taking care of clients. Don't get me wrong -- coding is still fun and I'...

Is it the best way to have a "software development project manager" who is a great developer himself?

Hi, How does it work in the market? If possible to generalize, is it a critical point to have a project leader to be a developer himself? If he is not so much in coding, how can he understand what the rest is really talking about. If he is so much good on programming he might have difficulties on leading probably. If you think about t...

Django: writing a manager to filter query set results

Hello all, I have the following code: class GroupDepartmentManager(models.Manager): def get_query_set(self): return super(GroupDepartmentManager, self).get_query_set().filter(group='1') class Department(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=128) group = models.ForeignKey(Group) def __str__(self): return self.n...