How to update digests in Android MANIFEST.MF ?

We need to enable our customers to update some components in Android application, like icon/logo, dictionary file etc. I saw the .APK can be opened like a JAR with 7-zip, and hope files can be edited/replaced there. But it is need to update MANIFEST.MF file in it, containing a digest for each .APK component' like: Manifest-Version: 1....

Create jar file that can be executed on any machine

I have simple java app that prints `hello world!' on console. It is packed in app.jar. Jar structure: main/Hello.class - my main class with singe println method META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Manifest file contains following: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Main-Class: main.Hello Everything goes fine. But when you have a dependency than trou...

Unable to add classpath in MANIFEST.MF in maven2

I am trying to add class path in MANIFEST.MF in maven2 with following code but it is unable to add it. <build> <pluginManagement> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <source>1.5</source> ...

reading MANIFEST.MF file from jar file using JAVA

Is there any way i can read the contents of a jar file. like i want to read the manifest file in order to find the creator of the jar file and version. Is there any way to achieve the same. ...

Adding Spring Configuration File to classpath via Manifest file

I have a WAR project and I am trying to store spring configuration files within the /WebContent/WEB-INF/Spring/ folder (as required by my employer), but when I do that I have not found a way to be able to reference those files within my junit tests. I was told today that I can modify my MANIFEST.MF file so that the spring configuration ...

How to read from POJO class (not a servlet) instantiated by spring?

I have a simple service called BuildNumberService which would be instantiated by spring. I'm trying to find the cleanest code for the class to find out the MANIFEST.MF file from the jar file it has been packaged into. The code has to run inside a servlet container. @Service public class BuildNumberService { private static final S...

Error in JAR file format. zip-style comment?

Hi folks, I am trying to make a java bean which will have a file , Clockbean info file, file and 2 gif files . my class compiles fine but when i create a jar file , i get invalid manifest file when i create a jar using jar cfm Clock.jar HTPJB/Clock/Clock.class and similarly for the class bas...