
JPA EclipseLink ManyToMany with Data

Hi, I'm currently trying to implement a ManyToMany Relationship with Data in the JoinTable. I'm following this approach with the Eclipselink JPA Framework. But I'm getting the following exception: org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.EntityManagerSetupException.predeployFailed( ... 23 more ...

MySQL many-to-many relationship: Help With Query

My current code is this: $select = $this->select() ->from(array('r' => 'recipes'), $this->getAdapter() ->quoteInto("r.*, MATCH(title, directions) AGAINST(?) AS score", $searchText)) ->where('MATCH(title, directions) AGAINST(?)', $searchText); //SQL: SELEC...

Many-to-many relations in database design

Hi Everyone. I'm building a database that makes use of lots of many-to-many relations. For example, I have part items and machine items where each part goes into many machines and each machine has many parts. The purpose of this database is to be able to input a list of parts and get back a list of machines composed of only parts in t...

JPA many to many with extra column

Hi buddies. I have a following problem that I need to solve. The core issues is that I want to add additional column into JoinTable for ManyToMany relation in JPA. In my case I have following entities. The Topic is a simple entity which has many RemoteDocument's (one RemoteDocument may be refered by many Topic's, hence it should be Many...

Having a problem displaying a manytomany fields

Hello, I seem to have a problem displaying work orders. in my app. The clients does not have the same problem so why does the work orders not show up. Actually it is as almost as a black space appears rather than text that should appear from my database. The problem seems to be because work orders have a many-to-many field. If I have {{...

Setting up a Many-to-Many relation of a table with itself with DBIx::Class

I am porting an application from Class::DBI to DBIx::Class and need help. I have a table T with a primary key tid and another table ChildT that relates a row of T to multiple (child) rows of T itself. How can I setup the relations between T and ChildT so that I can find all children of an instance of T. Here are the stripped down version...