
How to create a MaskedEditExtender on the fly?

I want to create a number of masked edit extenders from codebehind. Something like: private MaskedEditExtender m_maskedEditExtender; protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); m_maskedEditExtender = new MaskedEditExtender() { BehaviorID = "clientName" }; m_maskedEditExtender.Mask = "9999999...

[AjaxControlToolkit] How to bind extenders to controls on clientside

I have some dynamically created inputs which are not server-side controls. I want to relate them to some CalendarExtender and MaskedEditExtender on the clientside. Is there a way to do that? ... Toolkit Masked Edit Control With 99:99 Time Mask

Hi, I am trying to use the ajax toolkit masked edit control to take an hour/minute input with the mask 99:99 and the masktype="time" property set. However it doesn't seem to do any time validation client or server side.... it allows me to input any numbers like 88:77 which isn't a valid time. Is this a bug in the control or is...

Problem with MaskedEdit from Ajax Control Toolkit - different culture

I want to use maskededit to make the user to do the same as in the ajax control toolkit sample for maskededit, but I need to use another format, since dates at my client is displayed as dd-MM-yyyy. I also need to put a value in there to begin with, since the date is loaded from a db (once I get this code working, that is) Look at this s...

Advanced usage of Ajax Control Toolkit MaskedEdit Extender

How can I achieve the following with the Ajax Control Toolkit MaskedEdit extender? Letter + Any number of numeric chararacter such as Z234, Z235, Z24, etc ...

MaskedEditExtender in

How can I useMaskedEditExtender for textbox that should accept address of website? thanks ...

Is it possible to use a Maskeditextender for IP Adress?

Hi there! I'm using AjaxControlToolKit for an application and I'm using the MaskEditExtender on a TextBox. This TextBox will be use to get something like an IP address (I.E.: 999.999.999.999 OR 999.999.999.*). I've no difficulty to make the first one (999.999.999.999) but how can it also allow the * instead of the 999? Is it possible? ...

MaskedEditExtender Is Too Hard to Use For Money

The MaskedEditExtender does a good job of enforcing the rules, but my users have trouble typing into its TextBox. I want to select all the contents of my TextBox when it gains focus. A regular JavaScript solution does not work. onfocus=";" The MaskedEditExtender interferes. How can I select all the contents ...

MaskedEditExtender, dates and Globalization

I want to use the MaskedEditExtender to mask short dates. The problem is that I want to mask the field depending on the user language settings. This is working for a lot of cases, but for example for Latvian Culture (with format 9999.99.99. ) is not working. <cc1:MaskedEditExtender ID="MaskedEditExtender1" runat="server" AutoComplete=...

AjaxControlToolkit MaskedEditExtender - custom mask appearance

I'm using a MaskedEditExtender to show users what format they should use to enter a date into a textbox. How do I change the mask to be dd/MM/yyyy instead of __/__/____? ... ajax MaskedEditExtender

hi i'm using the maskeditexdenter for getting money value ,the problem is when the input is given it takes it from left to right i want it to take it from right to left. the code is <asp:TextBox ID="txt_actual_ConveyanceCharges" CssClass="Controls" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> <ajaxToolkit:MaskedEditExtender ID="MaskedEditExtender1" r...

problem with MaskedEditValidator in ASP.NET AJAX

I have text box to enter a phone number. I'm using AJAX MaskedEditExtender and MaskedEditValidator to validate the phone. I have no problem with mask but the problem nothing happen when I enter for example only 3 number then lose the focus but as soon the focus on I will see the error message and it will disappear as soon as I write one..., Ajax, JavaScript help

Hi, I need help in how to set webform control proprieties in and ajax control using javascript. I have asp page that has checkBox, TextBox, MaskedEditExtender, and RegularExpressionValidator. I set the mask for MaskedEditExtender as Mask="(999)999-9999" and I set the ValidationExpression for RegularExpressionValidato...

Databinding int32 to MaskedEditExtender enabled TextBox

I have a master/detail scheme for editing an asp:GridView using an asp:DetailsView. One of my fields is for a phone number of type int64 (always 10 digits). I would like this field to always be displayed as (###)###-####. My issue is the first digit in the phone number is always truncated for my edit item field which I used a MaskedEditE...

Masked Edit extender inside a Repeater

How can i dynamically create a textBox and a Masked Edit extender inside a Panel. My code is something like this: In the ASPX page: <asp:Repeater Id = "Repeater1" runat="server" DataSource="Function1" OnitemDataBound="ShowProducts_OntemDataBound"> <ItemTemplate> <asp: Panel Id= "Panel1" runat="server"> <cc1:MaskedEditExtender Id="MskEdi...

Masked Edit Extender Format Issue

I am using an ASP.NET AJAX Masked Edit Extender to format phone numbers <asp:TextBox ID="tbPhoneNumber" runat="server" /> <ajaxToolkit:MaskedEditExtender TargetControlID="tbPhoneNumber" Mask="(999)999-9999" MaskType="Number" InputDirection="LeftToRight" ClearMaskOnLostFocus="false" ClearTextOnInvalid="false" runat="server" AutoComplet...

Convert time to decimals in .net

Is there an easy way to present time (hh:mm) as a decimal value? Example, 01:08 should become 1,13. I have an asp:textbox masked (ajax) as time with the mask format "99:99". Next to this box I need to present the entered value as decimal. <asp:TextBox ID="time" runat="server" /> hh:mm ([time in decimal format]) <ajaxToolkit:MaskedEdi...

Check if value of textbox extended with MaskedEditExtender is valid?

Below is my code: <asp:TextBox ID="FromDateTextBox" runat="server" /> <asp:ImageButton ID="FromDateImageButton" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/calander.png" /> <ajaxkit:CalendarExtender ID="FromDate" runat="server" TargetControlID="FromDateTextBox" CssClass="CalanderControl" PopupButtonID="FromDateImageB...

How to use custom masks in MaskedEditExtender?

Hello, I need to create a textbox which accepts 3 chars and must follow the following format 1st char - only numbers 2nd char - only upper case letters 3rd char - numbers and upper case letters (except zero) This is what I have so far, but it's not working <ajaxToolkit:MaskedEditExtender ID="MaskedEditExtender1" runat="server" ...

Fixing MaskedEditExtender to prefix date with correct Century

Hi, I am using a MaskedEditExtender on a textbox to verify a date. MaskType="Date" Mask="99/99/9999". Users of the system are used to typing just the last two digits of the year (i.e. 22/06/10) so I am trying to make this possible. I have tried using Century="2000" but this option does not seem to function at all (still results in 22/0...