
Can I have a materialized view refresh on commit only for two of three tables in its select statement?

I would like to use a materialized view that refreshes ON COMMIT. My backing view joins two tables in the local database and one table in a remote database via DB Link. How can I have the view refresh only when changes are made to one of the two local tables? Are there any other ways to solve this problem? Can I have the materialized...

Can materialized views be used as a fast denomalized big table?

Can Oracle Materialized views be used to join multiple related tables having foreign keys to create a larger denormalized big table which is refreshed instantaneously? On some investigations, it says that joins are not allowed while using fast refresh. Is it my assumption which is wrong that i can do this sort of thing with Oracle Mate...

Materialized views with MySQL

Emulated materialized views with MySQL has good performance? I'm learning how to do with this link thanks Correction: "Materialized views" to "Emulated materialized views". ...