
Showing latex commands in text string using mathjax

I have a text string, for ex. 'A vehicle travels from A to B, distance {$d} km at constant speed. While returning back to A on same path it {$variation} its speed by {$v} km/hr. The total time of journey is {$t} hours. Find the original speed of vehicle.' The variables in the curly brackets are to be replaced by appropriate latex equat...

How to detect when mathjax is fully loaded?

Is there anyway to identify when the mathjax is fully loaded to process mathematics. I need to hide my mathematics equations before mathjax is fully loaded and show 'loading' message in mean time. ...

How to make cookie-setting javascript cooperate with django.contrib.auth?

Hi I'm trying to make mathjax work in askbot Q&A forum. Got some decent results, but here is a strange issue: once I add some setting (a feature in mathjax that uses cookies) via right-clicking - django automatically logs me out. Is there a way to make django authentication not over-react to cookies set via javascript? Thanks. ...

Enable MathJax in RSS feeds for Wordpress blogs

MathJax is a very nice javascript library to write LaTeX code within an html file. I'm using it in a Wordpress blog and everything works fine when the post is viewed in its actual address. But, the math parts are not rendered in Google Reader and seen as $x=\lefty*(\ b+c right)$ for instance. The script is loaded with the statement in ...

How to load MathJax dynamically?

I'm trying to use MathJax to convert text into mathematics while typing, using a textarea field. However when I send the typed text to a database to retrieve the text through a php file back to the original file, I can't get MathJax to convert the text into LaTeX-like symbols. This is the main part (using jQuery): $(document).ready(fun...

How to change equations color in MathJax

Hello, I'm using the following snippet to display equations on my blog <script src='' type='text/javascript'> MathJax.Hub.Config({ extensions: ["tex2jax.js"], jax: ["input/TeX","output/HTML-CSS"], tex2jax: {inlineMath: [["$","$"],["\\(","\\)"]]} }); </script> and I would like ...