
How to configure embedded OpenEJB container for tests properly?

This is my SLSB: @Stateless public class MyService { PersistenceContext(unitName = "abc") EntityManager em; public boolean exists(int id) { return this.em.find(Employee.class, id) != null; } } This is my persistence.xml (I'm using Glassfish v3): <persistence> <persistence-unit name="abc"> <provider>org.hibernate.ejb...

Why embedded OpenEJB fails to deploy my application?

Hi, I can't understand why an embedded OpenEJB container fails at the beginning with very un-informative message (sorry for a long log): Running com.XXX.MyTest Apache OpenEJB 3.1.3 build: 20101015-05:42 INFO - openejb.home = [skipped...] INFO - openejb.base = [skipped...] INFO - Configuring Service(id=...